Prevent autocomplete from selecting its text
When I select the entry I want from the pop-up auto-complete menu using either Tab or Enter the word is placed in my document selected, so the next key I press overwrites it. I have to press right arrow then start typing to prevent that. This is annoying and I don’t remember it being this way before. How do I prevent this? Did I set something in my prefs to make it happen?
Ctrl+Enter has the behavior I want but I want it default.
Hello @Alex-Taddia,
I’m using auto complete as well and didn’t discover reported behaviour yet.
May I ask you which version of npp and os you use.
Which language and style do you use? Do you use RTL direction
Could you give it a try by using the -noPlugin commandline switch?Cheers
Claudia -
Hi, sorry I took so long to reply. I forgot I posted this. :P
My NP++ version is 6.8.8 and I’m on Windows 7. I ran it with -noPlugin and that fixed it. Thanks for the idea. Now to track down the miscreant plugin wrecking my stuff…