Style quirk in Windows 7
I have Notepad++ set as the default program for .txt files. If I start the program and then open a file, I get the style settings I expect (gray text on a black background). But if I open the file by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer, I get black text on a white background. The white background isn’t full screen width; it’s one character wider than the text in each line. The rest of the screen is black.
The view will switch to the correct style if I go into the style configurator and do pretty much anything. Check a box, any box, and then cancel. So I have a workaround, but it’s annoying. Any thoughts?
Bill -
@Strider496 do you use a predefined theme or did you create one yourself?
Claudia -
I use Bespin, and I’ve enabled gobal font (Lucida Console) and global font size (12).
More info: I get this same behavior if I open NPP and it creates a “new x” file. And once I focus on a file that’s displayed correctly, all other open files are fixed the next time I look at them.
The other thing I’ll say is that I’m a total newbie, and I installed a bunch of plugins that I thought might be interesting. Could this be related to a plugin?
plugins can and do interact with notepad++ and scintilla, so yes, it might be that this is related to one of the plugins.
The easieast to check would be to start npp with the -noPlugin switch. This causes npp to ignore, not to uninstall, the plugins.
May I ask you to do so and check if it is still same behaviour?Cheers
Claudia -
[Forced wait of 1200 seconds …]
:)Yes, that appears to fix it. I’m fine with uninstalling all the plugins, and then adding them back when/if I actually need them. Unless you have a better idea …
Well, from remote, it’s hard to say which plugin or whether a combination of plugins may have caused this, therefore I would say
your way is the best at the moment.Cheers
Claudia -
Okay, all is well. It turns out that the culprit was NPPCALC, which I can certainly do without.
One other sort-of-related thing: when I was first trying this out several weeks ago, I started with a portable installation, and changes I made in style configurator were not persistent. Close NPP and reopen, and you’re back to the default style settings.
At the time, I couldn’t post here, but I bypassed the problem by doing a regular Windows install. I’m just mentioning this in case somebody wants to take a look at it.
Thanks for the FABULOUS assistance, Claudia!
Bill -
Hello Bill,
Thanks for the FABULOUS assistance, Claudia!
your welcome.
One other sort-of-related thing: when I was first trying this out several weeks ago, I started with a portable installation, and changes I made >in style configurator were not persistent. Close NPP and reopen, and you’re back to the default style settings.
there are several portable versions out there and they behave differently in term how to store the data. I refer to the “official”
portable version, which is the zip or 7z file you can download on the npp homepage. When using this one, it works as long as
you use the same drive layout on all computers, which, I agree, isn’t normally the same.
The reason is, that, for example, the theme stored in config.xml uses the complete instead of a relative path.
You can change this by editing, with an editor other than npp, the config.xml directly but be aware that changing any other gui option would overwrite it again.
Request to change this has been already adressed.So, current situation is like this
<GUIConfig name="stylerTheme" path="D:\ProgramData\notepad++\themes\Bespin.xml" />
but by changing it to
<GUIConfig name="stylerTheme" path=".\themes\Bespin.xml" />
it can be used on an usb stick without a problem.