Recorded macro to search and switch tab causes it to return to 1st line
I have a recorded macro to search a text using F3, Copy text (Ctrl+C) and then switch window using Ctrl+2 or Ctrl+Pg Down and then paste the text and switch to previous window using Ctrl+Pg Up .
But when I run it, it seems to start search from 1st line and then again moves to 1st line when i switch tab. I wanted to paste in the location of the new location of the next search text. Can someone help me on how I can fix the issue?
Replying to this for people who come across this page in the future. I had this issue and solved it by repeating my macro manually until the page scrolled downwards, was about 4 times in my case. not sure why it worked. Some bug being avoided by having the search scroll the window down perhaps?
You should use “Toggle bookmark”.
Set it before moving to next tab and then,when returning to initial tab, use F2 to move to “next bookmark”