JSTool Plugin will not install
I have tried from multiple new installations of notepad++ the JSTool give me an error right away.
Installation of JSTool failed.
You might get such an error if plugin manager cannot download it from sourceforge.
I just tried it and it is working.
Can you give it another try? If it still doesn’t work, which windows os do you use and
how is your network setup?Cheers
Claudia -
As Claudia says, and as happens to me, Plugin Manager cannor download it from sourceforge.
The PM says its at: “/projects/jsminnpp/files/Uni/JDToolNPP.16.10.uni.zi” (and it cuts it there).
When I go to: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsminnpp/files/Uni/ I see several files, and “JSToolNPP.1.16.10.uni.zip” downloads fine. And it contains “JSMinNPP.dll”.
I copied the dll into NPP’s plugin directory and re-running NPP shows it in the Plugins menu and it works.