DOM Tree Plugin?
I’m wondering if there is a DOM Tree plugin yet? (For HTML)
This is always helpful - click anywhere in the page and see where in the DOM you are, click an item on the DOM Tree and it highlights that section of code.
Any thoughts?
my first thought is, can’t you use function list for that?
Maybe have a look to the xml parser and adapt it to your needs.Cheers
Claudia -
Far as I can tell, the function list does not help with DOM elements - and I can’t seem to locate the XML parser - but this doesn’t sound like it’s made for what I’m after - but thanks for replying…
there is the functionlist.xml file which holds the configuration for each
configured language. The functionlist wroks this way, when you click
on an item(function) it puts the cursor onto the line of that item(function)Cheers