Unable to update Notepad++ Plug-in Manager
Downloaded and installed the newest Notepad ++ client and attempted to load plug-ins
7.3.1 32 bit on Windows 10 X64 Pro
When I try to load plug-ins it pops up the plug in manager has an update.
Current Plug-in manager = 1.4.3 Oct 2016
When I attempt to update it tells me Notepad ++ needs to restart to load.
Restart and it prompts me again. Check version same.
Plug-ins work if I select not to update but the notification continues.
Is there a manual link to download the update or turn off this notification? -
Thanks for the super fast response. Looking at the installer this looks like the one we currently have that it keeps prompting for there is an update ( Build 14.3 Oct 2016 ) as I originally posted. Is there an update or is this a bug that just says there is an update?–Ryan
afaik this is the latest release - but it reminds of an issue.
Will check quickly.Cheers
Claudia -
Hi Ryan,
can you give it a try to delete/rename the PluginManagerGpup.xml file
which is either under %APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\config
or installation_directory\plugins\config.Cheers
Claudia -
Npp installer packages a old plugin manager. If you were in the latest plugin manager before, you might have a deadlock exception.
Lots of people complains, but @donho had never answer about upgrading the plugin manager in the package.Be careful on the next update