Launching a plugin when ++ startsup
I’d like ++ to open then launch the compare plugin, is this possible?
At the moment its being from within excel with 2 files;
s = Shell(sNotePadPath & Sheets(“Settings”).Range(“sourceDir”) & sFileName)Thanks for the help
npp, afaik, doesn’t have a builtin way to do what you want but depending on
your installation it is possible solve the problem with plugins for example
npp_exec (advanced option->run script at startup) or
pythonscript or luascript plugin registering a callback for READY or BUFFERACTIVATED notification.I assume the code you posted is VBA and Shell seems to return something.
If this is the handle, can’t you do something like sending a keystroke to that handle?Cheers
Claudia -
Thankyou, I did use the sendkeys in the end…