A Notepad++ beautiful ruler plugin (finally!)
I’m writing just to let you know that I finally found a Notepad++ ruler plugin here (https://pixelatedbigfoot.wordpress.com/2015/09/02/notepad-horizontal-ruler-plugin/), just in time for me to debug a shifting characters issue in a text made of a a single 5000 chars row.
It’s a 2015 blog post but I did not found it mentioned here so I posted it, maybe it can be useful to someone else.The ruler notoriously could not be added to Notepad standard features because the developer religion explicitly prohibits it :)
Thank you for this! Very useful for me as well.
Hello, @franco-fassio, @ethan Piliavin,
@franco-fassio, the link you gave, in your post, is correct. Unfortunately, the download address, below, does not seems to work, for me :-((
In the meanwhile, I could display the web page, below ( for a couple of seconds, only ! ) :
Then, the link, below, allows me to download the 0.1.5 version, which works nice :-))
Moreover, as the author is a Japanese subject, the ruler options dialog is written in Japanese !
Refer to the link, below, to get the American/English translation !
So, @franco-fassio and @ethan Piliavin, two simple questions :
Where can we download the 0.1.6 version of the ruler ?
What is the last version of
Best Regards,
I like this ruler plugin as well. An additional thing I noticed: If you double-click the grey area to the left of the “0” on the ruler, a “new x” file will be created – just one more handy way to do this.
That’s really amazing i like this plugin but wait can you please let me know notepad++ for mac because i just found alternative of it but require notepad itself. let me know if any one can help i found alternative here http://technoapt.com/notepad-for-mac-os-x/
That is really a derailing of this thread–did you really have to do that?
So back to the ruler plug-in…as I said, I really like it, but I discovered today that when you free the caret so that it can move beyond normal end-of-line (reference https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/13531/turn-on-cursor-beyond-eol-remove-unnecessary-spaces-when-saving), the plugin doesn’t recognize this and update its visual representation accordingly…pity!
M mkupper referenced this topic on