Notepad++ Batch program find lines missing "..."
Hello guys,
i got a .ptp with 2000 string looking like this:
N0070 G18 G03 X-3.4602 I-.0569 K0.0 F35.4
N0080 I.1137 K0.0
N0090 X-3.3465 I.0569 K0.0
N0100 G00 Y-.1181
N0110 G03 X-3.4602 I-.0569 K0.0
N0120 I.1137 K0.0
N0130 X-3.3465 I.0569 K0.0
N0140 G00 Y-.2362
N0150 G03 X-3.4602 I-.0569 K0.0
N0160 I.1137 K0.0
N0170 X-3.3465 I.0569 K0.0i want to write a batch program, which finds the lines where there isnt G00, G01, G02, G03.
and then go back 1 line and copy G00 or G01 or … into the line below.So for example:
Line with N0080 because there is no G03, the goto line N0070 and copy G03 in line N0080
Can anybody help me?
Best regards,
Sebastian Schmidt
it might be possible that a regex can help in such a case but you need to
know where exactly the missing G0? needs to be placed but in general
I would advise to learn a scripting language for solving such problems.
I, of course, would advise to learn python. ;-)Cheers