Plugin to remove NULs on file loading
Hi all, I often have to work with big dimensions (100/200 Mbytes) file filled by chr(0) on a single line.
Npp can open these file very quicly, but has a lot of problems in navigate them.
So I wrote a batch file using “tr.exe” porting from linux:
tr.exe -d “\000” < %1 > %1.trimmed
I was thinking about creating a plugin doing the same thing while opening the file.
First questions: any other idea?
Second one: do you know if something already exists?
First questions: any other idea?
Second one: do you know if something already exists?Yes, use notepad++ ;-) and record a macro replacing the \0
and use a scripting language like python script or lua script
or the plugin nppexec (? not 100% sure) to get it called on loading.Cheers