How to Hyper-Link
Hey and thanks for reading this, I’m looking for a way to link my documents, I can’t seem to find a way anywhere and my coding is basic at best. I’ve tried using the “Open Selection” plugin but when I get past 40 or so links it crashes every time. I just want to be able to type a word, link it to another .txt and when I click on it, it opens the .txt I’ve linked. all the links would be internal. Thanks in advance.
Which versions of the plugin and n++ do you use? See
there is a version 1.12 available which is not updated at the PluginManager. In case the issue still persists you could contact the author of the plugin (see Is it intentionally not updated within the PluginManager?
Notepad is currently version 7.3.3 and I’ve removed the open selection plugin because while it was fulfilling the task I wanted done, it wasn’t as effective as I what I really wanted which is to say that I’m looking for simple and quick internal links. I remember back in Microsoft word 2003 you used to be able to link things really easily so I’m surprised that there isn’t a simple solution to this. Hopefully you can point me in the right direction or let me know if there is no way. Cheers.
I remember back in Microsoft word 2003 you used to be able to link things really easily so I’m surprised that there isn’t a simple solution to this
maybe that’s the problem, you think npp has been developed to replace software like MS Word but it wasn’t.
Npp is a programmers editor - its main goal is to provide a fast and efficient tool for text editing (mainly for programmers).
With the addition of plugins you are able to do even more things but don’t expect that npp will replace word processors like
MS Word, LibreOffice etc… - this, I assume, won’t happen ever.To achieve what you want you need to use a plugin because npp hasn’t this as a builtin feature.
If there is a plugin which suits your needs to 100%, I don’t know.Cheers
Claudia -
Thanks for the reply, It’s increasingly frustrating that there is no simple solution to this problem but I appreciate you trying to help, I’ll let the author of open selection know about the issue and hopefully they’ll be able to provide a fix.
Why do you want such a thing from Notepad++?
Why not use something like Microsoft OneNote or Zim which were designed for the task?Notepad++ displays all the chars in a file as they are. Hiperlinks by definition have displayable part and a hidden target part. Notepad++ is not designed to hide anything that exist within the file.
A plugin that relies on external database can do the trick. Either Open Selection will be fixed for you or you can adjust for your needs atags
based plugin that normally allow coders toGo To Definition
of a tag. You will need to generate and maintain the tags database by yourself so your desired keywords will reference the txt files.