Python / Lua Script: Detect if a modifier is pressed when running a script
Strange - works for me.
Do you mean the output is RTL when you open the console?
I’ve removed my other code for testing it.
Actually I don’t need it on startup. I can write a “Show Console” script.
Thank you.
Do you mean the output is RTL when you open the console?
yes, on my side it is.
When I run a second time from my test script it doesn’t change until
another write statement happens, then it is back to LTR.Cheers
Claudia -
May you share your ?
I missed that. Sorry.
# The lines up to and including sys.stderr should always come first # Then any errors that occur later get reported to the console # If you'd prefer to report errors to a file, you can do that instead here. import sys from Npp import * # Set the stderr to the normal console as early as possible, in case of early errors sys.stderr = console # Define a class for writing to the console in red class ConsoleError: def __init__(self): global console self._console = console; def write(self, text): self._console.writeError(text); # Set the stderr to write errors in red sys.stderr = ConsoleError() # This imports the "normal" functions, including "help" import site # This sets the stdout to be the currently active document, so print "hello world", # will insert "hello world" at the current cursor position of the current document sys.stdout = editor ################################################## from ctypes import windll, byref, wintypes, WINFUNCTYPE, Structure, sizeof WNDENUMPROC = WINFUNCTYPE(wintypes.BOOL, wintypes.HWND, wintypes.LPARAM) python_script_hwnd = None python_script_sci_handle = None GWL_EXSTYLE = -20 WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL = 0x00400000 def EnumCallback(hwnd, lparam): global python_script_hwnd global python_script_sci_handle curr_class = (wintypes.WCHAR * 256)() curr_name = (wintypes.WCHAR * 256)() windll.user32.GetClassNameW(hwnd, curr_class, 256) windll.user32.GetWindowTextW(hwnd, curr_name, 256) if curr_name.value.lower() == 'python script': python_script_hwnd = hwnd else: if python_script_hwnd is not None: if curr_class.value.lower() == 'scintilla': if windll.user32.GetParent(hwnd) == python_script_hwnd: python_script_sci_handle = hwnd return False return True parent = windll.user32.FindWindowA('Notepad++', None) windll.user32.EnumChildWindows(parent, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) windll.user32.EnumChildWindows(python_script_hwnd, WNDENUMPROC(EnumCallback), 0) exStyle = windll.user32.GetWindowLongA(python_script_sci_handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) if (exStyle & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL): console.write('exStyle & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL: {}\n'.format('exStyle & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL')) exStyle = exStyle ^ WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL else: console.write('exStyle | WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL:{}\n'.format(exStyle | WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)) exStyle = exStyle | WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL windll.user32.SetWindowLongA(python_script_sci_handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, exStyle); console.write('test\n')
Thank you.
When I run a second time from my test script it doesn’t change until
another write statement happens, then it is back to LTR.On my machine it changes immediately. It’s gibberish until writing again.
strange - might be linux/windows related.
I’ve copied your - cleaned mine (commented everything)
and now I have your behavior. Phew …Yaron, it is already half past 4 here and I have to go to late shift today.
Need to have some sleep ;-) I will follow up on this in ~16 hours.
Maybe earlier if we don’t have to do much at work and I can have look.Good night.
Claudia -
Thank you :-D
Did some last test - looks like it a
before the code
and if you wish
afterwards does the trick.Good night.
Claudia -
Very nice.
Thanks again. Highly appreciated.
Good night. :)
did try to understand what the difference could be but …
While investigating the python script code I assume I found what needs to be changed in
order to force a LTR layout.The file StaticDialog.cpp has a function makeRTLResource.
Within the function there is this if conditionif (pMyDlgTemplateEx->signature == 0xFFFF) pMyDlgTemplateEx->exStyle |= WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL; else (*ppMyDlgTemplate)->dwExtendedStyle |= WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL;
what about giving a try to use
if (pMyDlgTemplateEx->signature == 0xFFFF) pMyDlgTemplateEx->exStyle; else (*ppMyDlgTemplate)->dwExtendedStyle;
Yaron, sorry, I would love to see why our machines behave differently but without a debugging environment it’s hard to track down the issue maybe this little code change is a better alternative.
Claudia -
Hello Claudia,
did try to understand what the difference could be but …
I would love to see why our machines behave differently but without a debugging environment it’s hard to track down the issue…I apologize for not being clear enough in my last post.
In “Very nice” I meant to confirm the issue was solved by
. :)The file StaticDialog.cpp has a function makeRTLResource.
Within the function there is this if conditionThank you very much for that too.
A couple of years ago Dave uploaded a PythonScript v1.1.1 without committing the changes.
As your script works perfectly, I’d rather keep using v1.1.1.Many thanks again for your kind help. I do appreciate it.
Best regards.