[New Plugin] SurroundSelection
Hello dail,
Thank you for this nice and useful feature. I appreciate your prolific great work.
It works perfectly both with English and Hebrew keyboard layout.
Some suggestions/questions:
- An option to toggle the selection surrounding would be a nice addition.
- Any reason only the opening characters surrounds the selection?
- This is related to [2]: in RTL
( { [
are the closing characters.
Best regards.
Hi Dail, Awesome plugin! Thanks!
I’ve wanted this functionality for quite a while now, I even “made” a python script to do this, only to later learn that I can’t get the keystrokes before the text is overridden… so it didn’t work. I thought to try my first plugin, but never got around to it… Now I don’t have to, thanks to you!I tested it on my machine - plain ol’ English - but I tested it and it worked perfectly!
David -
Could you update PluginManagers list with the new plugin if you consider it stable enough for more widespreaded usage.
Hi, @Dail,
I was quite eager to test your plugin, on my French configuration ! At first sight, it did not seem to work, on my N++ v7.3.3 configuration, with default plugins, except for the DSpellCheek.dll plugin !
But, as you spoke about testing our current layout, I began to test all the keys combinations, on my French keyboard…
I, finally, got the five equivalent keys, on a French keyboard :
For [......] => VK_OEM_4 key = FR Key ° ) ] For {......} => SHIFT + VK_OEM_4 key For (......) => SHIFT + VK_9 key = FR Key 9 ç ^ For '......' => VK_OEM_7 key = FR Key ² For "......" => SHIFT + VK_OEM_7 key
@dail, to compare the US and FR keyboard layouts, just click on the two links, below :
( BTW, I’ve never seen any French 251 keyboard layout !? )
Any keyboard, from a world list, can be seen, at :
In addition, you’ll find, in the two next posts, two lists, of my own, which recapitulate :
Firstly, all VK_ codes, in hexa and decimal, of all keys of a standard American keyboard
Secondly, all VK_ codes, in hexa and decimal, of all keys of a standard French keyboard
I do hope that these lists may help you, somehow !
Best Regards,
As explained, in my previous post, here is the US list of VK_codes of an US keyboard
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx // http://ascii-table.com/keyboards.php *==================*========*=======*===================* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NULL | 0x00 | 0 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | US keyboard - LEFT part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_ESCAPE | 0x1B | 27 | | | | | | | | VK_F1 | 0x70 | 112 | | | VK_F2 | 0x71 | 113 | | | VK_F3 | 0x72 | 114 | | | VK_F4 | 0x73 | 115 | | | | | | | | VK_F5 | 0x74 | 116 | | | VK_F6 | 0x75 | 117 | | | VK_F7 | 0x76 | 118 | | | VK_F8 | 0x77 | 119 | | | | | | | | VK_F9 | 0x78 | 120 | | | VK_F10 | 0x79 | 121 | | | VK_F11 | 0x7A | 122 | | | VK_F12 | 0x7B | 123 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - SECOND Row ! *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_OEM_3 | 0xC0 | 192 | Key US '~ `' | | VK_1 | 0x31 | 49 | | | VK_2 | 0x32 | 50 | | | VK_3 | 0x33 | 51 | | | VK_4 | 0x34 | 52 | | | VK_5 | 0x35 | 53 | | | VK_6 | 0x36 | 54 | | | VK_7 | 0x37 | 55 | | | VK_8 | 0x38 | 56 | | | VK_9 | 0x39 | 57 | | | VK_0 | 0x30 | 48 | | | VK_OEM_MINUS | 0xBD | 189 | Key US '_ -' | | VK_OEM_PLUS | 0xBB | 187 | Key US '+ =' | | VK_BACK | 0x08 | 8 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_TAB | 0x09 | 9 | | | VK_Q | 0x51 | 81 | | | VK_W | 0x57 | 87 | | | VK_E | 0x45 | 69 | | | VK_R | 0x52 | 82 | | | VK_T | 0x54 | 84 | | | VK_Y | 0x59 | 89 | | | VK_U | 0x55 | 85 | | | VK_I | 0x49 | 73 | | | VK_O | 0x4F | 79 | | | VK_P | 0x50 | 80 | | | VK_OEM_4 | 0xDB | 219 | Key US '{ [' | | VK_OEM_6 | 0xDD | 221 | Key US '} ]' | | VK_OEM_5 | 0xDC | 220 | Key US '| \' | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CAPITAL | 0x14 | 20 | | | VK_A | 0x41 | 65 | | | VK_S | 0x53 | 83 | | | VK_D | 0x44 | 68 | | | VK_F | 0x46 | 70 | | | VK_G | 0x47 | 71 | | | VK_H | 0x48 | 72 | | | VK_J | 0x4A | 74 | | | VK_K | 0x4B | 75 | | | VK_L | 0x4C | 76 | | | VK_OEM_1 | 0xBA | 186 | Key US ': ;' | | VK_OEM_7 | 0xDE | 222 | Key US '" '' | | VK_RETURN | 0x0D | 13 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - FIFTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_SHIFT | 0x10 | 16 | | | VK_Z | 0x5A | 90 | | | VK_X | 0x58 | 88 | | | VK_C | 0x43 | 67 | | | VK_V | 0x56 | 86 | | | VK_B | 0x42 | 66 | | | VK_N | 0x4E | 78 | | | VK_M | 0x4D | 77 | | | VK_OEM_COMMA | 0xBC | 188 | Key US '< ,' | | VK_OEM_PERIOD | 0xBE | 190 | Key US '> .' | | VK_OEM_2 | 0xBF | 191 | Key US '? /' | | VK_SHIFT | 0x10 | 16 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - SIXTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CONTROL | 0x11 | 17 | | | VK_LWIN | 0x5B | 91 | | | VK_MENU | 0x12 | 18 | | | VK_SPACE | 0x20 | 32 | | | VK_RWIN | 0x5C | 92 | | | VK_APPS | 0x5D | 93 | | | VK_CONTROL | 0x11 | 17 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | US keyboard - MIDDLE part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_INSERT | 0x2D | 45 | | | VK_HOME | 0x24 | 36 | | | VK_PRIOR | 0x21 | 33 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - MIDDLE part - SECOND Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_DELETE | 0x2E | 46 | | | VK_END | 0x23 | 35 | | | VK_NEXT | 0x22 | 34 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - MIDDLE part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_UP | 0x26 | 38 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - MIDDLE part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_LEFT | 0x25 | 37 | | | VK_DOWN | 0x28 | 40 | | | VK_RIGHT | 0x27 | 39 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_SNAPSHOT | 0x2C | 44 | | | VK_SCROLL | 0x91 | 145 | | | VK_PAUSE | 0x13 | 19 | | | VK_ATTN | 0xF6 | 246 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - SECOND Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMLOCK | 0x90 | 144 | | | VK_DIVIDE | 0x6F | 111 | | | VK_MULTIPLY | 0x6A | 106 | | | VK_SUBTRACT | 0x6D | 109 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD7 | 0x67 | 103 | | | VK_NUMPAD8 | 0x68 | 104 | | | VK_NUMPAD9 | 0x69 | 105 | | | VK_ADD | 0x6B | 107 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD4 | 0x64 | 100 | | | VK_NUMPAD5 | 0x65 | 101 | | | VK_NUMPAD6 | 0x66 | 102 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - FIFTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD1 | 0x61 | 97 | | | VK_NUMPAD2 | 0x62 | 98 | | | VK_NUMPAD3 | 0x63 | 99 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - SIXTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD0 | 0x60 | 96 | | | VK_DECIMAL | 0x6E | 110 | | | VK_RETURN | 0x0D | 13 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *=======================================================* | OTHER Virtual Keys | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CANCEL | 0x03 | 3 | | | VK_CLEAR | 0x0C | 12 | | | | | | | | VK_KANA | 0x15 | 21 | | | VK_HANGUL | 0x15 | 21 | | | VK_JUNJA | 0x17 | 23 | | | VK_FINAL | 0x18 | 24 | | | VK_HANJA | 0x19 | 25 | | | VK_KANJI | 0x19 | 25 | | | | | | | | VK_CONVERT | 0x1C | 28 | | | VK_NONCONVERT | 0x1D | 29 | | | VK_ACCEPT | 0x1E | 30 | | | VK_MODECHANGE | 0x1F | 31 | | | | | | | | VK_SELECT | 0x29 | 41 | | | VK_PRINT | 0x2A | 42 | | | VK_EXECUTE | 0x2B | 43 | | | VK_HELP | 0x2F | 47 | | | | | | | | VK_SLEEP | 0x5F | 95 | | | | | | | | VK_SEPARATOR | 0x6C | 108 | | | | | | | | VK_F13 | 0x7C | 124 | | | VK_F14 | 0x7D | 125 | | | VK_F15 | 0x7E | 126 | | | VK_F16 | 0x7F | 127 | | | VK_F17 | 0x80 | 128 | | | VK_F18 | 0x81 | 129 | | | VK_F19 | 0x82 | 130 | | | VK_F20 | 0x83 | 131 | | | VK_F21 | 0x84 | 132 | | | VK_F22 | 0x85 | 133 | | | VK_F23 | 0x86 | 134 | | | VK_F24 | 0x87 | 135 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_8 | 0xDF | 223 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_102 | 0xE2 | 226 | Key US '< >' | | VK_OEM_RESET | 0xE9 | 233 | | | VK_OEM_JUMP | 0xEA | 234 | | | VK_OEM_PA1 | 0xEB | 235 | | | VK_OEM_PA2 | 0xEC | 236 | | | VK_OEM_PA3 | 0xED | 237 | | | VK_OEM_WSCTRL | 0xEE | 238 | | | VK_OEM_CUSEL | 0xEF | 239 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_ATTN | 0xF0 | 240 | | | VK_OEM_FINISH | 0xF1 | 241 | | | VK_OEM_COPY | 0xF2 | 242 | | | VK_OEM_AUTO | 0xF3 | 243 | | | VK_OEM_ENLW | 0xF4 | 244 | | | VK_OEM_BACKTAB | 0xF5 | 245 | | | VK_CRSEL | 0xF7 | 247 | | | VK_EXSEL | 0xF8 | 248 | | | VK_EREOF | 0xF9 | 249 | | | VK_PLAY | 0xFA | 250 | | | VK_ZOOM | 0xFB | 251 | | | VK_NONAME | 0xFC | 252 | | | VK_PA1 | 0xFD | 253 | | | VK_OEM_CLEAR | 0xFE | 254 | | *==================*========*=======*===================*
And, here is, below, the equivalent list of VK_codes, on a standard FR keyboard !
*==================*========*=======*===================* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NULL | 0x00 | 0 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | FRENCH keyboard - LEFT part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_ESCAPE | 0x1B | 27 | | | | | | | | VK_F1 | 0x70 | 112 | | | VK_F2 | 0x71 | 113 | | | VK_F3 | 0x72 | 114 | | | VK_F4 | 0x73 | 115 | | | | | | | | VK_F5 | 0x74 | 116 | | | VK_F6 | 0x75 | 117 | | | VK_F7 | 0x76 | 118 | | | VK_F8 | 0x77 | 119 | | | | | | | | VK_F9 | 0x78 | 120 | | | VK_F10 | 0x79 | 121 | | | VK_F11 | 0x7A | 122 | | | VK_F12 | 0x7B | 123 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - LEFT part - SECOND Row ! *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_OEM_7 | 0xDE | 222 | Key FR '²' | | VK_1 | 0x31 | 49 | | | VK_2 | 0x32 | 50 | | | VK_3 | 0x33 | 51 | | | VK_4 | 0x34 | 52 | | | VK_5 | 0x35 | 53 | | | VK_6 | 0x36 | 54 | | | VK_7 | 0x37 | 55 | | | VK_8 | 0x38 | 56 | | | VK_9 | 0x39 | 57 | | | VK_0 | 0x30 | 48 | | | VK_OEM_4 | 0xDB | 219 | Key FR '° ) ]' | | VK_OEM_PLUS | 0xBB | 187 | Key FR '+ = }' | | VK_BACK | 0x08 | 8 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - LEFT part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_TAB | 0x09 | 9 | | | VK_A | 0x41 | 65 | | | VK_Z | 0x5A | 90 | | | VK_E | 0x45 | 69 | | | VK_R | 0x52 | 82 | | | VK_T | 0x54 | 84 | | | VK_Y | 0x59 | 89 | | | VK_U | 0x55 | 85 | | | VK_I | 0x49 | 73 | | | VK_O | 0x4F | 79 | | | VK_P | 0x50 | 80 | | | VK_OEM_6 | 0xDD | 221 | Key FR '¨ ^' | | VK_OEM_1 | 0xBA | 186 | Key FR '£ $ ¤' | | VK_RETURN | 0x0D | 13 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - LEFT part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CAPITAL | 0x14 | 20 | | | VK_Q | 0x51 | 81 | | | VK_S | 0x53 | 83 | | | VK_D | 0x44 | 68 | | | VK_F | 0x46 | 70 | | | VK_G | 0x47 | 71 | | | VK_H | 0x48 | 72 | | | VK_J | 0x4A | 74 | | | VK_K | 0x4B | 75 | | | VK_L | 0x4C | 76 | | | VK_M | 0x4D | 77 | | | VK_OEM_3 | 0xC0 | 192 | Key FR '% ù' | | VK_OEM_5 | 0xDC | 220 | Key FR 'µ *' | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - LEFT part - FIFTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_SHIFT | 0x10 | 16 | | | VK_OEM_102 | 0xE2 | 226 | Key FR '> <' | | VK_W | 0x57 | 87 | | | VK_X | 0x58 | 88 | | | VK_C | 0x43 | 67 | | | VK_V | 0x56 | 86 | | | VK_B | 0x42 | 66 | | | VK_N | 0x4E | 78 | | | VK_OEM_COMMA | 0xBC | 188 | Key FR '? ,' | | VK_OEM_PERIOD | 0xBE | 190 | Key FR '. ;' | | VK_OEM_2 | 0xBF | 191 | Key FR '/ :' | | VK_OEM_8 | 0xDF | 223 | Key FR '§ !' | | VK_SHIFT | 0x10 | 16 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - LEFT part - SIXTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CONTROL | 0x11 | 17 | | | VK_LWIN | 0x5B | 91 | | | VK_MENU | 0x12 | 18 | | | VK_SPACE | 0x20 | 32 | | | VK_RWIN | 0x5C | 92 | | | VK_APPS | 0x5D | 93 | | | VK_CONTROL | 0x11 | 17 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | FRENCH keyboard - MIDDLE part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_INSERT | 0x2D | 45 | | | VK_HOME | 0x24 | 36 | | | VK_PRIOR | 0x21 | 33 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - MIDDLE part - SECOND Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_DELETE | 0x2E | 46 | | | VK_END | 0x23 | 35 | | | VK_NEXT | 0x22 | 34 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - MIDDLE part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_UP | 0x26 | 38 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - MIDDLE part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_LEFT | 0x25 | 37 | | | VK_DOWN | 0x28 | 40 | | | VK_RIGHT | 0x27 | 39 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | FRENCH keyboard - RIGHT part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_SNAPSHOT | 0x2C | 44 | | | VK_SCROLL | 0x91 | 145 | | | VK_PAUSE | 0x13 | 19 | | | VK_ATTN | 0xF6 | 246 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - RIGHT part - SECOND Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMLOCK | 0x90 | 144 | | | VK_DIVIDE | 0x6F | 111 | | | VK_MULTIPLY | 0x6A | 106 | | | VK_SUBTRACT | 0x6D | 109 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - RIGHT part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD7 | 0x67 | 103 | | | VK_NUMPAD8 | 0x68 | 104 | | | VK_NUMPAD9 | 0x69 | 105 | | | VK_ADD | 0x6B | 107 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - RIGHT part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD4 | 0x64 | 100 | | | VK_NUMPAD5 | 0x65 | 101 | | | VK_NUMPAD6 | 0x66 | 102 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - RIGHT part - FIFTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD1 | 0x61 | 97 | | | VK_NUMPAD2 | 0x62 | 98 | | | VK_NUMPAD3 | 0x63 | 99 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | FRENCH keyboard - RIGHT part - SIXTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD0 | 0x60 | 96 | | | VK_DECIMAL | 0x6E | 110 | | | VK_RETURN | 0x0D | 13 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *=======================================================* | OTHER Virtual Keys | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CANCEL | 0x03 | 3 | | | VK_CLEAR | 0x0C | 12 | | | | | | | | VK_KANA | 0x15 | 21 | | | VK_HANGUL | 0x15 | 21 | | | VK_JUNJA | 0x17 | 23 | | | VK_FINAL | 0x18 | 24 | | | VK_HANJA | 0x19 | 25 | | | VK_KANJI | 0x19 | 25 | | | | | | | | VK_CONVERT | 0x1C | 28 | | | VK_NONCONVERT | 0x1D | 29 | | | VK_ACCEPT | 0x1E | 30 | | | VK_MODECHANGE | 0x1F | 31 | | | | | | | | VK_SELECT | 0x29 | 41 | | | VK_PRINT | 0x2A | 42 | | | VK_EXECUTE | 0x2B | 43 | | | VK_HELP | 0x2F | 47 | | | | | | | | VK_SLEEP | 0x5F | 95 | | | | | | | | VK_SEPARATOR | 0x6C | 108 | | | | | | | | VK_F13 | 0x7C | 124 | | | VK_F14 | 0x7D | 125 | | | VK_F15 | 0x7E | 126 | | | VK_F16 | 0x7F | 127 | | | VK_F17 | 0x80 | 128 | | | VK_F18 | 0x81 | 129 | | | VK_F19 | 0x82 | 130 | | | VK_F20 | 0x83 | 131 | | | VK_F21 | 0x84 | 132 | | | VK_F22 | 0x85 | 133 | | | VK_F23 | 0x86 | 134 | | | VK_F24 | 0x87 | 135 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_MINUS | 0xBD | 189 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_RESET | 0xE9 | 233 | | | VK_OEM_JUMP | 0xEA | 234 | | | VK_OEM_PA1 | 0xEB | 235 | | | VK_OEM_PA2 | 0xEC | 236 | | | VK_OEM_PA3 | 0xED | 237 | | | VK_OEM_WSCTRL | 0xEE | 238 | | | VK_OEM_CUSEL | 0xEF | 239 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_ATTN | 0xF0 | 240 | | | VK_OEM_FINISH | 0xF1 | 241 | | | VK_OEM_COPY | 0xF2 | 242 | | | VK_OEM_AUTO | 0xF3 | 243 | | | VK_OEM_ENLW | 0xF4 | 244 | | | VK_OEM_BACKTAB | 0xF5 | 245 | | | VK_CRSEL | 0xF7 | 247 | | | VK_EXSEL | 0xF8 | 248 | | | VK_EREOF | 0xF9 | 249 | | | VK_PLAY | 0xFA | 250 | | | VK_ZOOM | 0xFB | 251 | | | VK_NONAME | 0xFC | 252 | | | VK_PA1 | 0xFD | 253 | | | VK_OEM_CLEAR | 0xFE | 254 | | *==================*========*=======*===================*
An option to toggle the selection surrounding would be a nice addition.
This has been committed now so this will be in the next release.
Any reason only the opening characters surrounds the selection?
Honestly I just did it this way since this is what SublimeText does and was waiting to see if anyone would mention it ;) But I can definitely understand how this would be a bit confusing for RTL having to type the closing characters. So this has also been pushed and will be in the next release.
I’ll probably still wait a little while to see if there are any bugs or improvements before putting it in the PM.
Thanks for the testing and very detailed information!
@ anybody
As I don’t have any way of easily testing other types of layouts I would be glad to accept any Pull Requests adding support for other layouts ;)
Hello dail,
Thank you for accepting and implementing my requests. I appreciate it.
I’ll be looking forward to the next version. :)Best regards.
v1.1 has been release for your typing pleasure. This release has a few minor updates:
- Add menu option to enable/disable plugin
- Allow typing of closing symbols (e.g.
, or}
Download (32 & 64bit): https://github.com/dail8859/SurroundSelection/releases/tag/v1.1
Hello dail,
Thank you very much for the new version. I appreciate it.
It’s working like a charm. Great work.Best regards.
Hello, @dail,
With your new version 1.1 of your SurroundSelection.dll plugin, the equivalent keys, on my French keyboard, are, as below :
VK_OEM_4 key = FR Key ° ) ] For [......] => VK_OEM_6 key = FR Key ^ ¨ SHIFT + VK_OEM_4 key = FR Key ° ) ] For {......} => SHIFT + VK_OEM_6 key = FR Key ^ ¨ SHIFT + VK_9 key = FR Key 9 ç ^ For (......) => SHIFT + VK_0 key = FR Key 0 à @ For '......' => VK_OEM_7 key = FR Key ² For "......" => SHIFT + VK_OEM_7 key = FR Key ²
@dail, although I’m quite able to remember these five weird French keys, is there any way to adapt your plugin to “non-English” users ?
May be, I’m going to tell some technical impossibilities, but why not a simple .ini file, where these five keys could be defined ?
Anyway, @dail, many thanks for that very handy plugin, especially, when using rectangular selection !!