Edit some style feature
Hello! I try to create my Notepad skin and can’t find how to edit next features:
1. How can i change color of this little dots (spaces value), which i marked in red circle, here – https://prnt.sc/f9kdlz
…or even edit width of this dots… ??**2. **I can enable displaying of tabs and spaces https://prnt.sc/f9kcyp
But what, if i want enable only tab or only spaces?? How can i do this ??P.S. Why all words after tab mark as ERROR?? https://prnt.sc/f9kdb8
suggestion: Now, if u edit color of “brace highlight style”, this edit color of “spaces value” too. (https://prnt.sc/f9kjbl)
Would be cool, if someone add feature to edit this both colors separately. -
Hello? Can anybody answer me?? I still need help
@Kixot14 said:
1. How can i change color of this little dots (spaces value), which i marked in red circle, here – https://prnt.sc/f9kdlz
…or even edit width of this dots… ??You can change the color of the little dots (and arrows for Tab chars) by going to the Settings menu, Style Configurator, then under Language: Global Styles, set the White space symbol Foreground colour to a different colour. You can also change the Font Style to Bold, but that doesn’t seem to make a visible difference.
2. I can enable displaying of tabs and spaces https://prnt.sc/f9kcyp
But what, if i want enable only tab or only spaces?? How can i do this ??The fact that the setting is labeled White space symbol, and the fact that under the View menu, the option to Show Symbol has only one combined item to Show White Space and Tab, indicates to me that there is only one setting for any type of white space. Also note that there is an open issue that seems to indicate that not all characters that could be considered white space are identified by Notepad++.
P.S. Why all words after tab mark as ERROR?? https://prnt.sc/f9kdb8
The highlighting of a particular syntax is affected by which Language is selected. Not all languages have an element style of ERROR, but it appears YAML does, and it happens to default to red as the Foreground colour. However, I’m not proficient with YAML, and so to find out how the ERROR style element is determined, You’d have to go into the YAML lexer to see how it is defined. I’m not sure I can help you terribly much with this part, but this page may help:
Built-in_LanguagesI hope this helps you at least know what is possible in the current release of Notepad++.