How can i do auto replace text with python scripte... en,same as Ctrl+H
I want to do something like auto replace a doc (h
ave too many regolar express),
So I Want use python script to do this.
But I’m freshman.(know some python)
We are grateful to the full if you so kind as to help me. -
at the end it depends what exactly you want to do but a call like
editor.rereplace(r'\bhallo\b', 'hello')
would replace all words hallo of the current document with the word hello.
Claudia -
Thanks,It‘s works.
But no mark to show where has changed.
Like you use Ctrl+H and click replace all can know where has changed -
Like you use Ctrl+H and click replace all can know where has changed
I don’t understand what you are talking about - can you make a screenshot?
Use syntax  to include in a post.Cheers
Claudia -
@Claudia-Frank , @xiaokLinux :
I think maybe that the OP is using a “change marker” plugin that puts a little symbol in the margin whenever a line in an editor buffer is changed? If so, then it is true that Pythonscript’s editor.rereplace() will not cause a line to be so marked.
However, depending upon how great the need is, with a little more work, one can do it within the script. Below is some example code that will illustrate the point. In theory, one could deduce how their change-marker plugin marks changed lines, and then alter the logic of the script here to mark lines using exactly the same mechanism so that there aren’t TWO different kinds of margin markers littering the editor windows.
Here’s a screenshot of what the sample script does to my Notepad++ window. The red margin marker is what comes from this code, the green is from my change-marker plugin (I use the “Location Navigate” plugin for lack of something better). That plugin uses green for saved lines, so it is pretty obvious from the screenshot that it does not know that editor.rereplace() has changed these lines.
:changed_line_number_dict = dict() changed_line_marker_id = 0 replace_data = None def match_fn(m): (span_start, span_end) = m.span() for line in xrange(editor.lineFromPosition(span_start), editor.lineFromPosition(span_end) + 1): changed_line_number_dict[line] = 1 return replace_data def replace_it(search, repl): global replace_data replace_data = repl editor.rereplace(search, match_fn) def tag_changed_lines_setup(): margin_number_to_use = 3 marker_symbol = MARKERSYMBOL.FULLRECT editor.markerDefine(changed_line_marker_id, marker_symbol) RED_RGB_TUPLE = (255, 0, 0) editor.markerSetBack(changed_line_marker_id, RED_RGB_TUPLE) editor.setMarginWidthN(margin_number_to_use, 7) editor.setMarginMaskN(margin_number_to_use, editor.getMarginMaskN(margin_number_to_use) | (1 << changed_line_marker_id)) tag_changed_lines_setup() replace_it('hall'+'o', 'hello') for line_number in changed_line_number_dict: editor.markerAdd(line_number, changed_line_marker_id) ''' hallo hallo hallo hallo hallo '''
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It’s exactly what I wanted.
I am truly appreciate your helping me to solved this problem. -
It occurred to me that line-change markings could also be generated as a side-effect (meaning you wouldn’t have to do ANYTHING to get them) of the technique for “find dialog automation” discussed in these threads: is some amount of work, but it is still all Pythonscript, which you indicated you were somewhat familiar with in your original posting.
Basically you would use code to populate the fields in Notepad++'s Find/Replace interface, then press buttons (again via code) to do searches/replacements. Because Notepad++ itself would then take over and do the actual replacements, the line-change markings (from the plugin) would occur.