Notepad++ and wrong ANSII encoding
Hello everybody : I have the following C# code which converts an UTF8 W/O BOM into an Windows-1252 textfile:
string inputstring = File.ReadAllText(@"c:\tmp\stringa.txt"); var srcEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; var destEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); var destBytes = Encoding.Convert(srcEncoding, destEncoding, srcEncoding.GetBytes(inputstring )); var destString = destEncoding.GetString(destBytes); File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\tmp\output0.txt", destBytes); return destEncoding.ToString();
When I open the output0 file into Windows notepad I can see the italian accent letters right, but if I open Notepad++ the ANSI codepage is Windows-1251 and not Windows-1252.
The original file is an UTF-8 file created with Notepad++ , and Windows is configured with the Italian codepage (1252) correctly.
may I ask which npp version (debug-info from ? menu) and windows version you use?
How did you configure Settings->Preferences->New Document->Encoding?Cheers
Claudia -
Hello, here the debug info:
Notepad++ v7.5 (32-bit)
Build time : Aug 15 2017 - 23:02:57
Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows 10 (64-bit)
Plugins : mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dllThe O/S is Windows 10 Professional 64 bit Italian
The encoding of “New Document” is:
- UTF-8 and is enabled the sub-option “Apply to opened ANSI files”
Thank you
Hi @luciferqam86, @claudia-frank and All,
Is it better if you uncheck the Autodetect character encoding option, in Settings - Preferences… - MISC ?
Sometimes this auto-detection causes some problems, instead of avoiding them :-D
Best Regards,