R function sent from np++ to R console does not work
I am trying to use a function that is available at Clear R Console programmatically to clear R console programmatically. The program is:
cls <- function()
system(“powershell (New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).SendKeys([string][char]12)”);
I have included the program in the Rprofile.site file. The function runs fine in the R console window. But if I send the function from Notepad++, it does not work. Will any one figure out the problem. -
How did you “send” the function from Notepad++ ?
It was sent as cls() using hot keys for pass line F8. Please note that other functions I have written for data analysis, functions present in the R packages run perfectly OK when sent from np++ via pass line key F8.
To my knowledge there is no automated way to pass function from Notepad++ to the R console other than copy paste or opening the file directly in R.
Maybe you are using a plugin or something else to integrate Npp with R? otherwise remember Npp is just a text editor and can’t integrate directly with R or with any other language or IDE without the use of plugins or else.
F8 in the default install of Npp does not pass any line to anything else.
I am using NppToR add on package to Notepadd++ that adds syntax highlighting for the R Language, as well as code passing between Notepadd++ and R.
You should also post a bug in the plugin site: https://github.com/halpo/NppToR/issues or https://sourceforge.net/p/npptor/bugs/
Actually there’s a similar bug posted in there which might be of help to you: https://github.com/halpo/NppToR/issues/8