Opera Browser in Notepad++
Hello! I’ve tried looking for this answer on the web and on the Notepad++ forums, but can’t find what I’m looking for.
Bottom Line Up Front, how do I:
- Add Opera to my Run list so that it opens a file in Opera
- Move the “Launch in Opera” line up so that it’s underneath the other “Launch in <browser>” options?
I’m trying to get Notepad++ to open a file in the Opera web browser the way you can open files in the other browsers that come listed in NP++ already. I’ve added Opera to my run list by selecting Run… > Typing “opera” > saving it > using a shortcut key > and clicking okay. It opens the Opera window just fine, but it doesn’t open the file in Opera. So then I went into the shortcuts.xml file and tried adding the following:
<Command name=“Launch in Opera” Ctrl=“yes” Alt=“yes” Shift=“yes” Key=“80”>opera “$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)”</Command>
That didn’t seem to make a difference. Any ideas? Also, I’m new to any kind of coding and have really only done it in college.
Thanks so much.
Did you restart npp afterwards?
Did you try to put the complete path for opera?
$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) is the correct variable but which file did you edit?
Depending on your installation it might be that your shortcuts.xml is either the one in
%APPDATA%\notepad++ directory or the one in the install directory.Cheers