"Please wait while Windows configures Notepad++" triggered by right click in File Explorer
Hi - Weird problem here.
A few times a day, every day, when I right-click a file in Windows 7 File Explorer it triggers:
“Please wait while Windows configures Notepad++”If I let it run, the installer with throw the message:
“Error 123. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.”Anyone ever heard of this? Any ideas? It’s one mosquito I’d like to swat.
more details …
I’ve constantly had Notepad++ open as a “scratchpad” for … years. This behavior has been going on some part of this year. Don’t remember just when it began.
When I right click in File Explorer, one option in the context menu is Edit with Notepad++ (maybe this is standard? don’t remember).
The problem happens with two different mice or the track pad.It’s not something I can reproduce on command. It happens when it happens.
I’ve never bothered to log when it happens, but just started a log.Currently using v 7.3.3 32 bit. What else… Plugins installed
- JSON Viewer 1.24 (Just removed - we’ll see.)
- MIME Tools 2.1
- NppExport 0.2.8
- Plugin Manager 1.4.9
- Spell-Checker 1.3.3 (which I’ve never gotten working)
(When I removed JSON Viewer and N++ restarted, it prompted me to update JSTool from 1.21 to 1.21.1, which I just did.)
Thanks - Frank
Hi Frank. I would uninstall/reinstall and see if that helps with your context menu issue. If that doesn’t help, I would log in under a different user and see if the problem is attached to your profile.
Hi - Thanks for the reply.
@cipher-1024 said:
Hi Frank. I would uninstall/reinstall and see …
I did that just now. We’ll see.
Earlier this morning I right clicked on an html file in MyDocuments, and it happened again. (The PC was on all night, locked, with File Explorer windows open. First time I right-clicked on a file it happened. Wonder if it’s a once a day thing?)
Again, I let the config run to conclusion to see what it was doing. This time it threw a different error at the end:
“Error 1316. The specified account already exists.”Again, this was *before *the uninstall/reinstall, so we’ll see what happens. Thanks!