7.5.4 64 bit no plugin manager
Just updated to 7.5.4 64 and see that the plugin manager is missing. How to I get it back?
FAQ: “Where is the Plugin Manager??”
See https://notepad-plus-plus.org/news/notepad-7.5-released.html
Section starting with “You may notice that Plugin Manager plugin has been removed…”FAQ: How do I get the Plugin Manager back??
See http://bruderste.in/npp/pm/#install -
@Scott-Sumner Interesting. When I upgraded to 7.5.3, it was still there. Now, I see that there is a “native” mgr in dev. Guess I can wait for that.
Well, the wait is 5 months and counting, so I suppose it depends upon your need as to whether or not you can “wait for that”. :-D
If you have the “old” PM in whatever old version of N++ you have, and you “update” to 7.5.x, the “old” PM should be retained…I think certain caveats break this, though, such as if you go from 32 to 64 bits in that “update”…
Resolved this on a new machine by installing 7.4.2 (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.4.2.html) and then let the upgrader do it’s job.