Find & Replace options
I’m trying to put this code at certain lines in my program.
first_program_used = main_address + r"\first_program_used.txt"
These lines have slight differences so find & replace won’t work.
But every single line has this under it.file = open(first_program_used)
So I was wondering if it’s possible to find all lines with “file = open(first_program_used)”
Go one line up and replace everything there with “first_program_used = main_address + r”\first_program_used.txt"" -
@Kieren-Baillie said:
with regular expression checked and a look ahead regex in find what like
(?-s)^.*(?=\Rfile = open\(first_program_used\))
you should be able to to find the line prior to file = open …
Note: in replace with you need to escape the \first by \\first so it looks like
first_program_used = main_address + r"\\first_program_used.txt"