Want to delete the first paragraph of each line?
I have a file with over 5000 lines. For example: line 1: (34272, xxxxxxx; line 2: (34273, xxxxx; line 3: (34274, xxxxx; line 4: (34275, xxxxx; … now I want to delete: (34272, What?
And if I want to delete … xxxxx each line like the above example then how do I do? Please help me. Thanks !!!
actually I’m not sure if you want to delete the numbers or the xxxxx or both.
Provide some kind of before and after data, then it might me more clear.Cheers
Claudia -
OK for example i have 1 file with 5000 lines. Line 1: !2232134, ajeetk1@yahoo.com . Line 2: !2232135, ajeetk28@yahoo.com Line 3: !2232136, ajeetk2@cbemail.ca . Line 4: !2232137, ajeetk_chaudhary @ infosys.com. Remember that the numbers are not the same, you can see it is the number of characters also. I want to delete " !2232134," only keep ajeetk1@yahoo.com, how do?
If I want to delete the characters at the back of each line eg: Line 1, I want to delete @ yahoo.com, Line 2 : !2232135, ajeetk28 , Line 3 : !2232136, ajeetk2@cbemail.ca and the other lines are similar …
And vice versa if I want to add after each line a generic character eg: Line 1: !2232134, ajeetk1@ yahoo.com, I want to add the following: !2232134, ajeetk1@yahoo.com email. Line 2 : !2232135, ajeetk28@yahoo.com email . All the lines, I add “email” at the end of each line, how do I?
My English is bad, I hope you understand. Please help me . Thanks -
You will have a lot more luck getting people interested in helping if you recreate part of your file here rather than how you described it. Just take part of your file and add four space to the start of each line and then paste it here. Then it will look like this and it will be much more understandable what you are starting with:
What is Notepad++? ****************** Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as Why another source code editor? ******************************* The company I worked for used JEXT (another open sour
Of course you have to also describe what you want well, too. MAYBE you did that above, or maybe not (I find that my head hurts when I look at what you composed, so I can’t judge…)
Can you guide me how to post yours? How can send your black frame? I need to know that, so I can post the question. And you can understand my question clearly. I am Vietnamese, I am very poor english
*363780 willtall@gmail.com:xenogears *363781 kaansoulp@gmail.com:kaan1976 *363782 angelica.valila@gmail.com:pissis69 *363782 angelica.valila@gmail.com:pissis69 *363784 twsnyderman@yahoo.com:sdchbltmvp *363785 shaunamiekley@gmail.com:lfhs929 *363786 kynajo@gmail.com:jehovah1 *363787 stynrynn@gmail.com:satya96 *363788 haleyottley@gmail.com:haley0ttley *363789 pandemonium.jones@gmail.com:odder7471 *363790 marielle_koudijs@hotmail.com:Larissa18 *363791 robnoice@gmail.com:robtb303 *363792 willtall@gmail.com:xenogears *363793 kaansoulp@gmail.com:kaan1976 *363794 angelica.valila@gmail.com:pissis69 *363795 megsellig@gmail.com:bhyc9999 *363796 twsnyderman@yahoo.com:sdchbltmvp *363797 shaunamiekley@gmail.com:lfhs929 *363798 kynajo@gmail.com:jehovah1 *363799 stynrynn@gmail.com:satya96 .......
I have a file as in the number of 5000 lines. My question is: How do I delete the numbers in front of each line for example :
willtall@gmail.com:xenogears kaansoulp@gmail.com:kaan1976 angelica.valila@gmail.com:pissis69 .....
If you want to delete the back of each line for example :
*363780 willtall@gmail.com *363781 kaansoulp@gmail.com *363782 angelica.valila@gmail.com ......
And the last question: If I want to add at the back of each line for example:
*363780 willtall@gmail.com Love ( Space is 6 times press Space ) *363781 kaansoulp@gmail.com Love *363782 angelica.valila@gmail.com Love ......
Seems like these are troublesome questions. I do not use these questions to assess your understanding. Exactly, I’m in a situation like this to solve. Looking forward to receiving your complete reply. Thank you
all solution would need regular expression to be checked and assume that the whole file
looks like your example.let me start with the easiest first
find what:$ replace with: YOUR_TEXT
per default $ denotes the end marker of each line
next two’s will work until there are only VALID email addresses.
It won’t work if there is something like name space @ space domain.namedelete everything in front:
find what:(.+?)(?=\x20.+?@) replace with:nothing - leave empty
?= is a lookahead which means you are searching for text only if it is
followed by a space(\x20) followed by anything (.+) but as less as possible (?) and a @delete everything after the domain name
find what:@\<.+?\..+?\>\K.+ replace with:nothing - leave empty
The last one uses \K which means it only works if you press replace all.
Searching for @ next must start a word (\<) followed by anything as less as possible
followed by a dot (\.) literally followed by as less as possible but must end with a word.
\K ignores that it has matched anything so that the rest (.+) is the only one which gets reported
back as the match.I know, not as detailed as guy038’s explanations but hopefully understandable.
Claudia -
Hello, @ty-ty,
Seemingly, Ty-Ty, you’re asking for three different points :
: How to delete some structured data, located at each beginning of line ? -
: How to delete some structured data, located at each end of line ? -
: How to add a string at each end of line ?
Just note that the points
may be replaced with :D
: How to replace some structured data, at each end of line, by a literal string
So, let’s imagine your initial list, opened in Notepad++ :
*363780 willtall@gmail.com:xenogears *363781 kaansoulp@gmail.com:kaan1976 *363782 angelica.valila@gmail.com:pissis69 *363782 angelica.valila@gmail.com:pissis69 *363784 twsnyderman@yahoo.com:sdchbltmvp *363785 shaunamiekley@gmail.com:lfhs929 *363786 kynajo@gmail.com:jehovah1 *363787 stynrynn@gmail.com:satya96 *363788 haleyottley@gmail.com:haley0ttley *363789 pandemonium.jones@gmail.com:odder7471 *363790 marielle_koudijs@hotmail.com:Larissa18 *363791 robnoice@gmail.com:robtb303 *363792 willtall@gmail.com:xenogears *363793 kaansoulp@gmail.com:kaan1976 *363794 angelica.valila@gmail.com:pissis69 *363795 megsellig@gmail.com:bhyc9999 *363796 twsnyderman@yahoo.com:sdchbltmvp *363797 shaunamiekley@gmail.com:lfhs929 *363798 kynajo@gmail.com:jehovah1 *363799 stynrynn@gmail.com:satya96
Obviously, we can deduce that :
The part to delete, at the beginning, of each line ( Case
) :-
Begin by possible space characters, followed by a
symbol -
Then followed by some digits (
in our example ) and ends with possible space characters
The part to delete, at the end, of eech line ( Case
) :- Begin with the unique colon of each line, followed by all the remaining characters of each line
So, to achieve point
Open the Replace dialog (
Ctrl + H
) -
Type in the regex
, in the Find what: zone -
Leave the Replace with: zone
Check the Wrap around and Regular expression options
Click on the
Replace All
Notes :
symbol means the beginning of line location -
Then, the syntax
represents a string, possibly empty, of space characters -
The form
try to match a literal star character. It must be escaped, due to its special meaning in regexes -
stands for a non-empty range of consecutive digits -
matches a string, possibly empty, of space characters, before each e-mail address
To achieve point
Open the Replace dialog (
Ctrl + H
) -
Type in the regex
, in the Find what: zone -
Leave the Replace with: zone
Check the Wrap around and Regular expression options
Click on the
Replace All
Notes :
First, the
matches a literal colon symbol -
Then the syntax
represents any non-empty range of characters, located after the colon, till the end of each line
But, you may combine all these search-replacements, in an unique regex
Therefore, to achieve points
, at the same time, use the regexes, below :SEARCH
Notes :
The search regex is just an alternative between the two regexes, discussed above
The second regex
is surrounded by round parentheses, to be stored as group 1 -
In replacement, the form
means :-
If group 1 exists, just replace the colon and all text, located after, by six space characters, followed by Love
If group 1 does not exist, delete all text, before each e-mail address, as the ELSE part of this conditional replacement is absent !
So, after a click on the Replace All button, you should get the text below :
willtall@gmail.com Love kaansoulp@gmail.com Love angelica.valila@gmail.com Love angelica.valila@gmail.com Love twsnyderman@yahoo.com Love shaunamiekley@gmail.com Love kynajo@gmail.com Love stynrynn@gmail.com Love haleyottley@gmail.com Love pandemonium.jones@gmail.com Love marielle_koudijs@hotmail.com Love robnoice@gmail.com Love willtall@gmail.com Love kaansoulp@gmail.com Love angelica.valila@gmail.com Love megsellig@gmail.com Love twsnyderman@yahoo.com Love shaunamiekley@gmail.com Love kynajo@gmail.com Love stynrynn@gmail.com Love
Remark : In the regexes, you may type a single space character, instead of the
syntax ! But, that later form just suppresses any ambiguity !Best Regards,