Does anyone know of a plugin for Honeywell XLS1000 SDU programming of rules?
Honeywell XLS1000 product has a rules compiler. In the training class, it was mentioned that Notepad++ was useable to help with writing rules. Does anyone know of a plugin that can help with syntax, available rules, error checking, etc?
was curious but haven’t found anything useful - what kind of programming language is this?
Claudia - 3 months later
XLS1000 is a Honeywell product version of the GE produced fire alarm system. It uses a ‘rules’ based logic code to create flexibility with inputs and outputs. The program editor is very basic and mistakes are easy. Notepad ++ can be used indirectly, but with a plugin, it may be more direct. I’d heard the developer was familiar with the product a long time ago and wondered if there was a plugin.
sorry, never came across of such a plugin.
Looks like I can’t be of any help here as it seems that GE protects the knowledge about the programming part.
Haven’t found any manual freely available.Cheers
Claudia - 2 years later
Found this that explains it: helps for visualization.