UDL syntax tool runs out of gas
When using the Language (UDL) style tool, my selection or UDL stops hi-lighting after about 400 lines. After 400 lines, my code changes to a medium grey Courier font to the end of the file. Up to 400 lines, everything hi-lights OK. How can I fix this quirk?
would you mind sharing udl and example file which confirms your reported behavior?
What npp (debug-info from ? menu) and os version are you using?Cheers
Claudia -
Hi Claudia-
Notepad++ v6.9.2
Build time : May 18 2016 - 00:34:05
Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows 7
Local language: SharkBase (VP-Info multi-user)Briefly, I started again from scratch, and this time the hi-lighting covered the entire file (about 600 lines). I possibly made some kind of syntax error when defining my language, or perhaps a recent NPP update fixed it. I will never know which it was. Regardless, in spite of its defining shortcomings, it’s a useful tool with lots of potential. i will keep working with it for now.