TCL Syntax Highlighting Error
The problem is that Notepad++ does not recognize the dereference of the single quote character in the regsub function. This then reformats the syntax highlighting to indicate an error.
See “regsub -all {0x|”} " in the code below. Everything between the two " characters is reformatted.Sample Code:
if { [ regexp -nocase “node_name” $line ] } {
set fields [split [ string trim [ join $line " " ] ] “=”]
set tagValue [ string trim [ lindex $fields 1 ] ]
regsub -all {0x|“} $tagValue “” tagValue
set temp_result [ insert_xml_child $xmlfile “FRUInfo/${FRU}/${newFcTag}/PORT1” “WWN” “$tagValue” ]
if { [ regexp -nocase “port_name” $line ] } {
set fields [split [ string trim [ join $line " " ] ] “=”]
set tagValue [ string trim [ lindex $fields 1 ] ]
regsub -all {0x|”} $tagValue “” tagValue
set temp_result [ insert_xml_child $xmlfile “FRUInfo/${FRU}/${newFcTag}/PORT1” “PWWN” “$tagValue” ]