I imagine it to be very simple … But I’m new with Notepad ++, I found a difficulty in generating the ER of this situation:
line 1: | abc | test | def |
line 2: | abc | nop | bbb |
line 3: | abc | def | aaa |I need the results that have | abc | and | def | on the same line, so you can replace the o | def | for | def1 | only in those initiated by | abc |.
Thank you! -
Can’t figure out what you want to replace exactly (from the description) but based on the title and general idea I 'll give an example that you might modify to achieve your real goal:
I want to find lines starting with abc and change MISTeak later in the line to CORRECTED without changing anything else, using Replace dialog with Regular expresions:
Find: ^(abc.*)MISTeak
Replace: $1CORRECTED
^ start of line match only
( ) parens “capture” whatever is between them, you must write ( or ) if you need to match a real paren
abc – match literally abc
.* any characters, as many as are found including NONE.
MISteak : those literal characters (can be marked case sensitive or not)$1 replace what you found in FIRST paren set, if you had () and () the $2 would be 2nd capture etc.
Save your doc, try it, use undo if you make a mistake and if you seriously foul it up reload the saved doc from disk.
Weakness (which can be fixed): What if MISTeak appears more than once in the line – there are ways to fix that too.