Find result window's current/active line colour
So here I am asking for help this time.
After pressing e.g. “Find All in Current Document” in the Find dialog, we are getting the nice “Find result” window.
While in this “Find result” window itself, the current/active line of this window has a different background colour.
But once you double-click a line in the “Find result” window (to go to the corresponding line in the main editing window), the background colour of the current/active (just double-clicked) line disappears once the “Find result” window has lost the focus! So there is no any mark of which line was just double-clicked in the “Find result” window!
How can it be configured, to have some visible background colour of the just double-clicked line in the “Find result” window? -
Hi Vitaliy,
the issue is that the scintilla component in the find result window
hast set SCI_SETCARETLINEVISIBLEwhereas it, probably, should have set SCI_SETCARETLINEVISIBLEALWAYS.
Claudia -
Thank you!
Indeed, sending SCI_SETCARETLINEVISIBLEALWAYS with wParam=TRUE to this Scintilla window makes the line background colour to remain even after losing the focus.