Viewing infected PHP file I don't see the dangerous code
The PHP file shown in the image can be found HERE.
Save it (without the .txt so it is “catagory.php”) and thenwe don’t I see the malicious code when viewing “catagory.php” using Notepad++ ?
BTW have been using Notepad++ for many, many years now - GREAT Programmers Editor!
Do you notice how small the lower horizontal scroll bar is in Notepad++ window in that image? Scroll right, and you’ll see the code. Or toggle View > Word Wrap on, which will cause Notepad++ to wrap long lines, so you can see them.
(windows notepad is automatically line-wrapping for you)
Problem resolved, I need to activate View - Show Symbol - Show Whitespace and TAB.
THEN we can see the … and no there is something at the end of the line,
or, alternatively I could turn on Word Wrap!