Merge 2 text files with exact same line and removing duplicates
I have 2 files :
$ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED
I walk through a number of battlefield, mercenary veteran who has survived. usually
But good-natured, but once turn into berserk if Hajimare a fight.
$ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED$ END STRING
How do I merge those 2 files and end up like this :
Merged :
$ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED
I walk through a number of battlefield, mercenary veteran who has survived. usually
But good-natured, but once turn into berserk if Hajimare a fight.
Hello, @devin-rusty, and All,
Seemingly, the link between your two files is the line
$ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED
So, I’m going to use the same principle as the one, used at the end of that post :
To test it, I created an sample of your
File B
, below, containing3
records where$ CONTEXT:
lines differs from the number1
----------------------- File B ---------------------------------- $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING
Note : The Chinese text, is identical in these
records !Then, I created a sample of your
File A
, below, containing3
different blocks$ CONTEXT:...........$ END STRING
----------------------------------- File A --------------------------------------------- $ BEGIN STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED I walk through a number of battlefield, mercenary veteran who has survived. usually But good-natured, but once turn into berserk if Hajimare a fight. $ END STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED It is a simple try with any text $ END STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Here is the last bunch of text to test my solution $ END STRING
Note : I did not add the last line of your
File A
, as I supposed it’s just was the beginning of the next record !
Now, here is the method used to solve your problem :
Paste all the
File B
contents in a N++ new tab -
Add a new line of equal signs, as, for instance,
Paste all the
File A
contents, after this line
=> We end up with that text :
$ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING ==================================================== $ BEGIN STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED I walk through a number of battlefield, mercenary veteran who has survived. usually But good-natured, but once turn into berserk if Hajimare a fight. $ END STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED It is a simple try with any text $ END STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Here is the last bunch of text to test my solution $ END STRING
Now, using the menu command
Edit > Line Operations > Remove Empty Lines ( Containing Blank characters)
, we get rid of all the blank lines, giving the text, below :$ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED $ END STRING ==================================================== $ BEGIN STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED I walk through a number of battlefield, mercenary veteran who has survived. usually But good-natured, but once turn into berserk if Hajimare a fight. $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED It is a simple try with any text $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING $ CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Here is the last bunch of text to test my solution $ END STRING
Finally, open the N++
dialog (Ctrl + H
) -
(?-is)^(\$ CONTEXT:.+\R)(?=(?s).+\R\1(.+?)^\$ END STRING)|(?s)^=+.+
Set the
Wrap around
option -
Select the
Regular expression
search mode -
Click on the
Replace All
Nice :-)) We get the expected text !
$ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED I walk through a number of battlefield, mercenary veteran who has survived. usually But good-natured, but once turn into berserk if Hajimare a fight. $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED It is a simple try with any text $ END STRING $ BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 $ CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Here is the last bunch of text to test my solution $ END STRING
Notes : Globally, the search regex :
Matches every
line, with its EOL chars, in theFile B
part, ( stored as group1
), ONLY IF there is an identical line, found, further on, in theFile A
part, after the line of equal signs and also grabs all text till the nearest$ END STRING
( stored as group2
) -
When NO more
lines can be found, in theFile B
part, then it attempts to match from the line of equal signs=======
till the very end of file -
Now, in replacement, any complete
line, found in theFile B
part, is replaced by itself (\1
), along with the block, found in theFile A
part, after the$ CONTEXT:
line (\2
) -
Then, all text starting with the
line is simply deleted, as, this time, groups1
are not defined !
Best Regards,
@guy038 said:
(?-is)^($ CONTEXT:.+\R)(?=(?s).+\R\1(.+?)^$ END STRING)|(?s)^=+.+
Hey, thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, when I did all of the steps, it just deleting all texts under the ====== line. My bad for not providing the ‘real’ document. Here is the real document btw :
> RPGMAKER TRANS PATCH FILE VERSION 3.2 > BEGIN STRING エリック > CONTEXT: Actors/1/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 数々の戦場を渡り歩き、生き延びてきた歴戦の傭兵。普段は 温厚だが、ひとたび戦いが始まれば狂戦士と化す。 > CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 銀の死神 > CONTEXT: Actors/1/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING ナタリー > CONTEXT: Actors/2/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 暗殺拳の達人を祖父にもつ少女。幼少のころからその技の すべてを叩き込まれている格闘術のエキスパート。 > CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 紅蓮の迅雷 > CONTEXT: Actors/2/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING テレンス > CONTEXT: Actors/3/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 謀略により地位を剥奪された聖騎士。真の騎士道を極めるため 各地をさまよい修練を重ねている。 > CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 流浪の聖騎士 > CONTEXT: Actors/3/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING アーネスト > CONTEXT: Actors/4/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 師匠の仇を探して旅を続ける剣士。剣に魔力を宿らせる技 「魔法剣」を体得している。 > CONTEXT: Actors/4/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 魔剣を継ぐ者 > CONTEXT: Actors/4/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING リョーマ > CONTEXT: Actors/5/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 東国では無双の剛剣と称された、桜花一刀流の使い手。 流れるような動きから繰り出される一閃は、重く、鋭い。 > CONTEXT: Actors/5/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 暁の剛剣 > CONTEXT: Actors/5/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING ブレンダ > CONTEXT: Actors/6/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 森の精霊に育てられた少女。自然を愛し、森の平穏を乱す者を 許さない。都会での生活にちょっとだけ憧れている。 > CONTEXT: Actors/6/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 深緑の護り手 > CONTEXT: Actors/6/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING リック > CONTEXT: Actors/7/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 束縛されることが嫌いな自称義賊の青年。軽口ばかり叩くが 仲間のためなら命も張れる熱血漢。 > CONTEXT: Actors/7/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 見えざる疾風 > CONTEXT: Actors/7/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING アリス > CONTEXT: Actors/8/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 神託により聖女となることを運命づけられた女性。慈愛に満ち その愛情は敵に対しても等しく与えられる。 > CONTEXT: Actors/8/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 救世の聖女 > CONTEXT: Actors/8/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING イザベル > CONTEXT: Actors/9/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 永きに渡り人類に恐怖を与えてきた魔女。転生術の失敗により 記憶の大半を失っているが、キレると本性が出る。 > CONTEXT: Actors/9/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 優雅なる悪夢 > CONTEXT: Actors/9/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING ノア > CONTEXT: Actors/10/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 俗世との交わりを避け、山奥に隠れ住む賢者。凶星の正体を 調べるため、伝説にある「最果ての書庫」を探す旅に出る。 > CONTEXT: Actors/10/description/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING 星を見る者 > CONTEXT: Actors/10/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING クラリス > CONTEXT: Actors/15/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > CONTEXT: Actors/20/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING マリー > CONTEXT: Actors/16/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > CONTEXT: Actors/21/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING ============================================================ > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors / 1/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Eric > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/1/description/ < UNTRANSLATED I walk through a number of battlefield, mercenary veteran who has survived. usually But good-natured, but once turn into berserk if Hajimare a fight. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/1/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Death of silver > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/2/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Natalie > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/2/description/ < UNTRANSLATED The girl with the grandfather a master of assassination fist. Of the skills from childhood Expert of fighting surgery that has been hammered all. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/2/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Thunderclap of Guren > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/3/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Terence > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/3/description/ < UNTRANSLATED St. knight that has been stripped of his position by the conspiracy. In order to master the true chivalry It has repeatedly wander training the country. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/3/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Exile of the Holy Knight > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/4/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Ernest > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/4/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Swordsman to continue the journey looking for the revenge of the teacher. Technique to dwell magic to sword It has mastered the "magic sword". > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/4/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED The Inheritors magic sword > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/5/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Ryoma > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/5/description/ < UNTRANSLATED In the eastern provinces it was called Tsuyoshi sword of Muso, cherry blossoms ittō-ryū consumer of. Issen fed from flowing motion are heavy, sharp. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/5/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Akatsuki of Tsuyoshiken > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/6/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Brenda > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/6/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Girl who was brought up in the spirit of the forest. Love nature, those who disturb the peace of the forest unforgivable. Are longing only a little to the life in the city. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/6/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Dark green be safety hand > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/7/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Rick > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/7/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Youth of hate self-styled gentleman thief is to be bound. Hit just joke but Life also Harel dashing if it is for the fellow. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/7/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Invisible Gale > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/8/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Alice > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/8/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Woman destined to be a saint by the oracle. Benevolent The love is given equally to the enemy. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/8/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Salvation of the saint > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/9/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Isabel > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/9/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Witch has given fear to mankind over the eternal. By the failure of the reincarnation surgery I have lost the majority of memory, but leave expires and nature. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/9/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Elegance Naru nightmare > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/10/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Noah > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/10/description/ < UNTRANSLATED Avoid fellowship with worldly, live hidden deep in the mountains wise man. The identity of the evil stars Investigate, go on a journey to find the "farthest reaches of the archive" in the legend. > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/10/nickname/ < UNTRANSLATED Those who see the stars > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/15/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Claris > CONTEXT: Actors/20/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING > BEGIN STRING > CONTEXT: Actors/16/name/ < UNTRANSLATED Marie > CONTEXT: Actors/21/name/ < UNTRANSLATED > END STRING
Hopefully you can help.
@guy038 Hey sorry for the my reply above. I can’t edit nor delete it. It seems like all the steps you provided works really well. As of my case above, I replace all the
kinda screw things up in Regular Expression . Thanks a lot. -
I replace all the > with $ because > kinda screw things up in Regular Expression
I think you mean to say:
I replace all the $ with > because $ kinda screw things up in Regular Expression
If that’s truly what you meant, then yes,
is a special character to regular expressions. You can still use it literally, but you have to do it as a combination of two characters (\$
) instead of the single character$