Cant set Notepad++ as my standart text editor in windows.
the title says it all. (i have allready reinstalled windows three times and the regristry doesnt help either. help)
Invariably when someone says “the title says it all”…it truly doesn’t…
Who would reinstall Windows 3 times hoping to solve any problem, let alone this problem…?
Which version of windows?
I use windows 10 and notepad++ portable version (without installation) and actually I have the same problem. I’ve googled for a solution but nothing works. It seems it is a bug in Windows or some conflict and I could not resolve this for some file types, e.g. .py files I can’t change.
What you can do is use some file manager like TotalCommander instead of explorer and set notepad++ as default editor there. Or use Autohotkey to make a script for explorer to open certain file types with certain program. -
You are using Windows 10 1803? There seems to be a bug introduced with the 2018-10 Windows updates, see here.