Can't associate notepad++ with .txt
There IS the notepad++ option when i try to change associated program, but it doesn’t selected though i clicked notepad++.
i can open txt files by notepad++, but i can’t associating txt with notepad++.
other option, such as notepad or wordpad, is worked when i clicked.
i already changed a registry, and i also tried to use a cmd.
how can i fix it? -
Your are using Windows 10 1803? There seems to be a bug introduced with the 2018-10 Windows updates, see here.
Excellent info @dinkumoil .
This should be made into a FAQ Desk entry because this topic is getting way more tiring than even the “Plugin Manager is mising” topics…UGH.
You are right, there’s a massive load of questions concerning the same topic, wow! Will copy’n-paste my posting around to the other threads.
Or make a FAQ Desk entry (for easier future locating) and then paste that link around the other threads…
Hmm, am I blind or do I lack reputation? Where is the “New entry” button in the FAQ section?
Hmmmm…not sure why you can’t see the button; I don’t think I am “special” in any way here and I can see the button. Anyway, I’ve made an entry for it.
Actually, yes, Scott, we’re “special”. When @guy038 had Don create the FAQ Desk, they limited it to a list of about 5 of us (including Guy, you, and me; I’d have to dig up the old email to see who else was given permission). They didn’t want the FAQ desk to turn into another “help wanted” or “general discussion”, so limited those who could create FAQ Desk entries.
See e.g. about possible workarounds with starting n++ in admin mode.