XML some... Highlight
make sure that you have
d highlight matching tags under
thanks comment !
yes, like I wrote earlier
under “Highlight Matching Tags”
checked “Enable”
checked “Highlight tag attributes”
checked “Highlight comment/php/asp zone” -
Sorry for confusion but I haven’t seen that this was already mentioned.
In fact, when I answered I didn’t see any answer at all. Strange.@오바마
Could it be that the xml file is somehow corrupted?
What if you just copy and paste your example into a new document
and set the xml language? Does it work?Eko
thank reply
now I am in the middle of studying
I copied just some couple of lines (paired nicely for sure)
from there into New Notepad++ instances (so no files, just made sure it is xml format using “Language>XML” checked)Does it make problem here ?
that’s where the xml tools plugin might be useful.
It has a function validate xml which would point you to the place
where it discovered the issue. Might be not 100% accurate but
should give enough info to identify the problematic area.Eko
plugIn ? what is that ?
do I have to use it ?
I will use it, If I have to.BUT
I remember that I (Notepad++) made nicely highlighted paired element when I put my caret there.Thanks.
You might want to try to simplify. Take my example document
<someTag> blah blah </someTag>
Paste it into a new Notepad++ file. With language at default / plain text (Language > Normal Text), it does not show matches for me. If I change the language to XML or HTML, then it does show matches.
The same thing happened when I used your snippet:
<SettingsGroup Id="“QAVerificationSettings”"> <Setting Id="“RegExRules”">True</Setting> <Setting Id="“RegExRules0"”> <RegExRule xmlns:i=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance“” xmlns=""http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Sdl.Verification.QAChecker.RegEx“”><Description>000000000</Description><IgnoreCase>false</IgnoreCase><RegExSource></RegExSource><RegExTarget>[0-9]{1,}\s%</RegExTarget><RuleCondition>TargetOnly</RuleCondition></RegExRule></Setting> <Setting Id="“RegExRules1"”> <RegExRule xmlns:i=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance“” xmlns=""http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Sdl.Verification.QAChecker.RegEx“”><Description>111111111</Description><IgnoreCase>false</IgnoreCase><RegExSource></RegExSource><RegExTarget>[0-9]{1,}\s%</RegExTarget><RuleCondition>TargetOnly</RuleCondition></RegExRule></Setting> <Setting Id="“CheckTradeMarksSeverity”">1</Setting> </SettingsGroup>
It might also have to do with your theme settings (Settings > Style Configurator, look at the Select Theme at the top of the dialog box): are you using the default, or have you edited your colors for the default theme, or do you have another theme selected? Maybe due to your style settings, you just cannot see the highlighting that’s there.
You might consider doing a screenshot with your cursor inside the
from my example (like betweensome
, posting to imgur, and linking by copying the “direct link” and put it here using the syntax
, but replacing my image id with yours. (Make sure you copy the link that uses the i.imgur.com, so it’s directly to the image, rather than imgur’s wrapper page) -
I just saw your post
I thought your post looks Very nice
And there are your secrets - post pictures somewhere else and just use its address
How do you do nice Highlight here ?Any ways, Main topic…
I’ll check what you said.Thanks
I cannot access the links you posted (404 not found)
The forum uses Markdown (see the ? link next to the COMPOSE label when making a post). For a great guide to using Markdown on this forum, see @Scott-Sumner’s excellent rundown – this includes how to do a code block (which does the syntax highlighting in the forum)
thanks… all your efforts.
I just gave up all of them.
-to make highlight XML
-to study how to post nicely in the community (this editor is soooo strange) -
I’m sorry to say like this
But, it is true
All of sudden it works
I Really do not know why
Some time later
It will go crazy again maybe
Until that time I will be happyThanks Guys.