A new Plugin Manager bug
When turning off Notepad ++, I get the following message: “Notepad ++: a free (GNU) source code editor has stopped working.” When I click “Yes”, it appears: "A file needed by the plugin manager (gpup.exe) is not present under the updater directory. You should … ". Then I go to the C: drive and click on “Gpup.exe” and it says "Invalid parameters passed to the plugin updater (GPUP). Usage: gpup.exe -w <window name> -e <exe name> [-a < actions file>] ". What do I do with this error? Please help me. I have lived with this more this month. Please help. Save me
You might report this issue here https://github.com/bruderstein/nppPluginManager/issues. Please add also the N++ debug info, see https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/15739/faq-desk-request-for-help-without-sufficient-information-to-help-you