functionList.xml parser classRange for "UniVerse BASIC" (VBScript)
Trying to build a class parser for VBScript looking like:
Class test1 Private Sub Class_Initialize() end Sub End Class
I got one:
<classRange mainExpr ="(?mix) \b(?:class)\b (?s:.*?) \b(?:end\s+class)\b" > <className> <nameExpr expr="(?mix)^\bclass\s+\w+" /> </className> <function mainExpr="(?mix)\b(public|private)*\s*(property)*\s*(function|sub|get|set)\s+\w+\s*\(" > <functionName> <funcnameExpr expr="(?i)((set|get)\s+)?\w+\s*\(" /> <funcnameExpr expr="(?i)((set|get)\s+)?\w+\s*" /> </functionName> </function> </classRange>
But it’s not working. What’s wrong?
I tested it in regular expressions online and it works in parts.