pythonscript: any ready pyscript to replace one huge set of regex/ phrases with others?
Not also that I said, above, “is a common way” and not “was a common way” as I do hope that Scott will be back, on our forum, very soon !
me too, and i think all others too … a little secret: i saw him active at the npp github repo a few days ago 😃👍 … but don’t tell anyone ;-)
I didn’t come back and just preferred going to bed as I’ve planned to spend a ski-day, as weather was quite,nice Wednesday, on Grenoble and, in addition, I also met some friends of mine, in Chamrousse ski-station ;-))
good done, best thing to do … but envyyyyyy ;-)
XXXX ( INSTALL folder of N++ v7.6.2 , DIFFERENT from folder “C\Program files” and folder “C\Program files (x86)” )
thanks for your tree, it comes in very handy and i’ve bookmarked it.
for competition i would edit it to:
XXXX ( PORTABLE folder of N++ v7.6.2 , DIFFERENT from folder "C\Program files" and folder "C\Program files (x86)" )
and/or a note that doLocalConf.xml has to be present.
just to make sure readers will not get those structures mixed up with the different folder structure of an installed version without doLocalConf.xml. -
Hello, @v-s-rawat, @alan-kilborn, @meta-chuh and All,
Alan, I tried your second version and everything went OK ! However, I prefer having a final separator, in order to easily see, in the SR_list.txt, the contents of the replacement regex.
So, here is, below, my own version of your excellent script :
#coding=utf-8 import re # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script "" # A LITTLE adaptation from an ORIGINAL and VALUABLE script of Alan KILBORN ( January 2019 ) ! # See # This script : # - Reads an existing "SR_List.txt" file, of the CURRENT directory, containing a list of SEARCH/REPLACEMENT strings, ONE PER line # - Selects, one at a time, a COUPLE of SEARCH and REPLACEMENT regexes / expressions / strings / characters # - Executes this present S/R on CURRENT edited file, in NOTEPAD++ # - Loop till the END of file # Any PURE BLANK line or COMMENT line, beginning with '#', of the "SR_list.txt" file, are simply IGNORED # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For EACH line, in the "SR_List.txt" file, the format is <DELIMITER><SEARCH regex><DELIMITER><REPLACE regex><DELIMITER> ## EXAMPLES : ## ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ## Deletes any [ending] "; comment" / Delimiter = '!' #!(?-s)(^.*?);.+!\1! ## Changes any LOWER-case string "notepad++" in its UPPER-case equivalent / Delimiter = '@' #@(?-i)notepad\+\+@NOTEPAD++@ ## Changes any "Smith" and 'James' strings, with that EXACT case, to, respectively, "Name" and "First name" / Delimiter = '&' ## Deletes any "TEST" string, with that EXACT case #&(Smith)|TEST|(James)&(?1Name)(?2First name)& ## Replaces any BACKSLASH character with the "123" number, both preceded and followed with 3 SPACE characters / Delimiter = '%' #%\\% 123 % ## or, also, the syntax %\x5c% 123 % ## Deletes any string "Fix", followed with a SPACE char, whatever its CASE / Delimiter = '+' #+(?i)Fix ++ ## Change 3 CONSECUTIVE "#" characters with 3 BACKSLASH characters / Delimiter = '*' #*###*\\\\\\* # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # In the CODE line, right below, you may : # - Modify the NAME of the file, containing the SEARCH and REPLACEMENT regexes # - Indicate an ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE path, before the filename with open(r'SR_list.txt') as f: sr_list = f.readlines() # You may, as well, insert the SEARCH and REPLACE regexes, directly, in THIS script : #sr_list = [ # '!(?-s)(^.*?);.+!\\1!', # '@(?-i)notepad\\+\\+@NOTEPAD++@', # '&(Smith)|TEST|(James)&(?1Name)(?2First name)&', # '%\\\\% 123 %', # # or the syntax '%\x5c\x5c% 123 %', # '+(?i)Fix ++', # '*###*\\\\\\\\\\\\*', # ] # The use of RAW strings r'.......' is also possible, in order to SIMPLIFY some regexes # Note that these RAW regexes are strictly IDENTICAL to those, which could be contained in a "SR_List.txt" file, WITHOUT the 'r' PREFIX #sr_list = [ # r'!(?-s)(^.*?);.+!\1!', # r'@(?-i)notepad\+\+@NOTEPAD++@', # r'&(Smith)|TEST|(James)&(?1Name)(?2First name)&', # r'%\\% 123 %', # # or the syntax r'%\x5c% 123 %', # r'+(?i)Fix ++', # r'*###*\\\\\\*', # ] editor.beginUndoAction() console.write ('\nMODIFICATIONS on FILE "{}: "\n\n'.format(notepad.getCurrentFilename())) # Note : Variable e is always EMPTY string ( Part AFTER the THIRD delimiter and BEFORE the END of line ! ) for line in sr_list: if line[0] == '#' or line == '\n' : continue (s,r,e) = line[1:].rstrip('\n').split(line[0]) console.write(' SEARCH : >{}<\n'.format(s)) console.write(' REPLACE : >{}<\n\n'.format(r)) editor.rereplace(s,r) # or editor.rereplace(s,r,re.IGNORECASE) / editor.rereplace(s,r,re.I) editor.endUndoAction() # END of script
@meta-Chuh, as you said, I slightly modify the local Notepad++ tree, in my previous post, to point out the importance of the
file ;-))
Yea, probably a good idea. Trailing blanks are hard to see without having visible line ends turned on (yuck!), or doing them as
or, as you like, a trailing delimiter.Glad you are enjoying the script and your own script mods!
Would you like to create a PR of the script to be added to Otherwise I could also add the last version of @guy038 , if that is ok for you.
I know the installation of PythonScript with N++ > 7.6.x is right now a horror. Hope i will find some time to get it compatible with PluginAdmin changes. The biggest problem known so far is the move the location of python27.dll into the plugin folder.
I know the installation of PythonScript with N++ > 7.6.x is right now a horror.
i’ve made a little guide and summary of all paths, while being in a chat with peter, for the installed version here
and one for the portable version here
maybe you can use it, if you need to help someone.
The biggest problem known so far is the move the location of python27.dll into the plugin folder.
i suppose so, unless the plugin spawns a process with a different relative path, not bound to notepad++.exe’s path, or maybe even a static python27 library in the spawn.
Hi, @alan-kilborn and All,
I did some tests, with your script and, finally, the Python regex engine seems more reliable than our Boost regex engine ;-))
Some bugs or limitations, present in our Boost implementation ( see the REMARK section of this FAQ, below )
do not occur anymore with the Python regex engine ;-))
Indeed :
You can insert, either, in search and replacement regexes, characters, located outside the BMP, directly or with the syntax
The NUL character,
, can be used, either, in search and replacement regexes -
The backward assertions, as, for instance,
, seem correctly supported -
The Look-behind assertions are correctly handled, even if it overlaps with the end of the previous match
Seemingly, we’ll just lack, with the Python regex engine, the case modifiers, (
)These escaped sequences are available, with our Boost engine, in the replacement part. Refer to the address, below :
For instance, against this text:
This is simple test
You may test the two regex S/R :
\U$0 $0\E <$0>
AFAIK, they do not modify anything, ( I mean regarding case of characters ! ) when executed from a Python script :-((
Best Regards,
@guy038 said:
I did some tests, with your script and, finally, the Python regex engine seems more reliable than our Boost regex engine
Can you show some examples of the Python regex engine testing you did?
the script provided by @Alan-Kilborn uses the boost regex implementation from the PythonScript plugin, which, as you’ve already shown, is implemented differently than with npp.
Well that’s kinda what I was getting at by asking @guy038 that last question. I couldn’t tell from what he was saying if he was talking about the earlier script or if he had tried some real Python
functions for search and replace. Hence my question to him.uses the boost regex implementation from the PythonScript plugin which is implemented differently than with npp
Is it truly, though? I always thought that it made calls back to whatever regex engine is in N++, but, hmmm, maybe not. Maybe I should check the source code. :)
From what I understand, yes, this is the case, it has the boost:regex engine implemented -
Hi, @alan-kilborn, and All,
Alan, it’s just all the points, described in my previous post !
You can insert, either, in search and replacement regexes, characters, located outside the BMP, directly or with the syntax
From the text below :
🍬 = \x{1F36C}
🎂 = \x{1F382}
🎄 = \x{1F384}
🎅 = \x{1F385}
🎇 = \x{1F387}
🎺 = \x{1F3BA}
👼 = \x{1F47C}with the
regex engine, you can use :SEARCH
\x{1F385} = \\x{1F385}
So, with my modified script :
@[\x{1F36C}-\x{1F47C}].+@\x{1F385} = \\x{1F385}@
and you get:
🎅 = \x{1F385}
🎅 = \x{1F385}
🎅 = \x{1F385}
🎅 = \x{1F385}
🎅 = \x{1F385}
🎅 = \x{1F385}
🎅 = \x{1F385}For characters with code, above
, you cannot do this kind of S/R with ourBoost
regex engine
The NUL character,
, can be used, either, in search and replacement regexesFor instance, you can execute the following S/R, with the
regex engine :SEARCH
giving for the script :
This S/R cannot be run with our
regex engine, which just deletes all the characters
The backward assertions, as, for instance,
, seem correctly supportedJust imagine the text “
This is a test
” in a new N++ tab and the regex S/R :SEARCH
So, in the script, the syntax
With the
regex engine, we get the correct text-his is a test
! With ourBoost
regex engine, after clicking on theReplace All
button, we, wrongly, obtain the text--------------
The Look-behind assertions are correctly handled, even if it overlaps with the end of the previous match
Consider the text
and the regex S/R :SEARCH
=> the syntax
, in the scriptWith the
regex engine, the text is correctly modified asaaaa123a123a
( two S/R ) whereas, with theBoost
regex engine, after clicking on theReplace All
button, we get the wrong stringaaaa123abaaa
Indeed, the second match never occurs, as it should have seen that the last char of replacement
was right before thebaaa
string, hence a second match :-((Cheers,
are you really using the python regex engine?
This would mean you have some code likere.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)
but the snippet you showed earlier useseditor.rereplace
which is supposed to be the boost regex engine. -
Hi, @eko-palypse, @alan-kilborn and All,
Huum…, I’m a bit confused ! When I mean : “With the
regex engine…”, I’m just saying that I did all the tests with the Alan’s script, above, which does use the helper methodeditor.rereplace
! And, of course, the classical N++Replace
dialog, to compare with.In fact, I’m already aware of this fact, as, some time ago, I noticed differences, while using Scott Sumner’s or Claudia frank’s
scripts, which dealt, essentially, with searches ! As, this time, we have a nice search and replace script, I just verified that my assumptions were correct : the present behavior of theeditor.rereplace
method gives improved results and seems to fix some bugs of the current implementation of the Boost library, within Notepad++ :-))But, I’m not a true coder ! So, unfortunately, it’s… up to all of you, to tell me why it’s looks better ;-))
So to clarify, when using the Pythonscript plugin, one can do 1 of 2 things:
- editor.rereplace() which uses the Boost regex that is very similar to, but maybe not exactly the same as the one directly in N++
- use re.sub() which uses the Python regex engine (which is its own thing, not Boost, not PCRE, not ANYTHING except Python’s own re module)
So far I believe everything discussed in this thread is using the FIRST one.
@guy038 said:
When I (say) “With the Python regex engine…”, I’m just saying that I did all the tests with…Alan’s script
“With the Python regex engine” would be my SECOND bullet point above, but that is not what you’re doing unless you’ve changed the
call in the script to are.sub()
call (and slightly changed the other logic to cope with that change).BTW when you
import re
(to get access to the re.IGNORECASE aka re.I flag) that is all you are doing–getting access to that, which happens to be shared, for convenience, with the Boost regex engine. -
So from what I get is, that there is a difference in the implementation details of boost:regex in npp and pythonscript plugin.
So the best would be if the pythonscript plugin would implement the missing pieces and npp silently steals the code and
adapt it to have it work the same ;-) -
@guy038 said:
AFAIK, they do not modify anything, ( I mean regarding case of characters ! ) when executed from a Python script :-((
Interesting. I noticed that the following variant on that above WILL work to affect case when using editor.rereplace() in a script:
It seems like either variant should capitalize all lowercase letters in a document. HOWEVER, only the script version does this! When run interactively with the Replace dialog in Notepad++, these 2 variants only capitalize the first letter of every “word”.
Can anyone offer an explanation for:
- why Guy’s original regex replace does nothing in the script
- why both of these regex replaces only change to uppercase the first letter of every “word” when run with N++ interactive replace (but – and I think act correctly in the script)
@Alan-Kilborn said:
why both of these regex replaces only change to uppercase the first letter of every “word” when run with N++ interactive replace (but – and I think act correctly in the script)
Let me correct this:
- why both of these regex replaces only change to uppercase the first letter of every “word” when run with N++ interactive replace (but the one that involves capturing group #1 and using \1 in the replace part – acts correctly in the script, at least I think it does)
Hmm, better but maybe still not a great way of expressing it. :-P
If I understand you correctly, I’m totally lost - my setup must have some kind of builtin wizard as
I do get different result. So just to clarify, having the textthis is some text
and aiming to get
we would use\w+
and replace with\U$0
as replacement.
For me, both work the same in the dialog and none work when called likeeditor.rereplace('\w+','\U$0')
from a script.
But you do have a different result? -
Wow. WOW. I find I cannot reproduce my earlier results. It seems to be working consistently now (duplicating your results). I guess I have egg on my face and sorry for the false alarm; unless it takes some sort of special sequence of actions to get into a weird mode! I did restart N++ an hour ago so I supposed that is a possible occurrence.
One thing I am seeing now that the editor.rereplace() is doing “nothing”:
I use the LocationNavigate plugin for its ability to specially mark changed lines (wish there was a better/more-current solution to that, btw!). When I run the scripted replace, although visually no text changes, the plugin does mark every line where
matches. Basically this means all lines besides empty ones got “changed”. So…not really sure what under-the-hood voodoo magic is happening when using\U
(and probably others like it) with a scripted replace, but it sure seems like SOMETHING interesting might be happening. If what is happening is that the \U is being ignored andabc
is simply being replaced byabc
perhaps that is not all that interesting. :(