I lost open tabs and probably, files! HELP!
Here is a PythonScript implementation of it.
See these instructions for how to run this script in PythonScript
The script will pop up a dialog. Respond with:
- click YES to load the recovered session immediately
- click NO to save the recovered session into an XML file that you can later load with File > Load Session…
- click CANCEL to ignore the recovered session
This is only effective if Settings > Preferences > Backup > Enable session snapshot… was checkmarked before you lost your session file. This is only effective if nothing happened to erase
or equiavlent.Script:
# encoding=utf-8 """in response to https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/topic/17344/ specifically, translate the ideas behind https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/post/79695 to PythonScript 0. Install Python Script plugin, if not yet installed 1. Use Plugins > PythonScript > New Script, give this a name (like `RecoverLostSession.py`) 2. Plugins > PythonScript > Scripts > `RecoverLostSession` to recover it 1. click YES to load the recovered session immediately 2. click NO to save the recovered session into an XML file that you can later load with File > Load Session... 3. click CANCEL to ignore the recovered session """ from Npp import editor,notepad,console import os import tempfile class SessionRecovery(object): xml_prefix = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> \n<NotepadPlus> \n<Session activeView=\"0\"> \n<mainView activeIndex=\"2\">" xml_suffix = "</mainView>\n <subView activeIndex=\"0\" />\n</Session>\n</NotepadPlus>\n" xml_entry1 = "<File firstVisibleLine=\"0\" xOffset=\"0\" scrollWidth=\"64\" startPos=\"8\" endPos=\"8\" selMode=\"0\" offset=\"0\" wrapCount=\"1\" lang=\"None (Normal Text)\" encoding=\"-1\" userReadOnly=\"no\" filename=\"" xml_entry2 = "backupFilePath=\"" xml_endentry = "originalFileLastModifTimestamp=\"0\" originalFileLastModifTimestampHigh=\"0\" mapFirstVisibleDisplayLine=\"-1\" mapFirstVisibleDocLine=\"-1\" mapLastVisibleDocLine=\"-1\" mapNbLine=\"-1\" mapHigherPos=\"-1\" mapWidth=\"-1\" mapHeight=\"-1\" mapKByteInDoc=\"512\" mapWrapIndentMode=\"-1\" mapIsWrap=\"no\" />" xml_full = "" def go(self): self.determine_directories() self.build_xml() s = notepad.messageBox("YES to load recovered session now\nNO to save as a new session file\nCANCEL to ignore recovered session", "Recovered Session", MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.YESNOCANCEL) if s == MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.RESULTYES: self.load_session() elif s == MESSAGEBOXFLAGS.RESULTNO: self.saveas_session() return def determine_directories(self): cfg_plg_cfg = notepad.getPluginConfigDir() (cfg_plg, x) = os.path.split(cfg_plg_cfg) (self.cfg_dir, x) = os.path.split(cfg_plg) self.bkup_dir = os.path.join(self.cfg_dir, 'backup') self.xml_full = self.xml_prefix self.session_xml_path = os.path.join(self.cfg_dir, 'session.xml') return def build_xml(self): for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(self.bkup_dir): for f in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, f) posFile = filepath.find(f) posAt = filepath.find("@") entry_name = filepath[posFile:posAt] this_entry = self.xml_entry1 + entry_name + '" ' + self.xml_entry2 + filepath + '" ' + self.xml_endentry + "\n" self.xml_full += "\n " + this_entry self.xml_full += self.xml_suffix return def saveas_session(self): notepad.new() editor.setText(self.xml_full) notepad.save() notepad.close() return def load_session(self): _, fn = tempfile.mkstemp('.xml') f = open(fn, 'w') f.write(self.xml_full) f.close() notepad.loadSession(f.name) try: os.remove(f.name) except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror == 32: # cannot delete is fine, just ignore it pass else: raise e return SessionRecovery().go()
P PeterJones referenced this topic on
HERE’s another variation on Python code “solving” the problem.
I am also facing the same issue, I am using Notepad ++ 5. +.+
@C-Raghava said in I lost open tabs and probably, files! HELP!:
I am also facing the same issue, I am using Notepad ++ 5. +.+
So if what you typed is correct (5.+.+) you are using a seriously old version. Why haven’t you updated? No-one is going to help you on such an old version. The details listed in this post and several like it all refer to much later versions.