2 colorations syntaxique au sein d'un même fichier, possible ?
Bonjour et merci au dev de notepad++ !
Je me sers régulièrement de cet éditeur pour du code PHP, CSS,JS.
Est-il possible de configurer notepad++ pour avoir 2 type de colorations syntaxique au sein d’un même ficher ?
Un exemple tout simple: une page HTML avec une balise <style type=“text/css”>
La coloration serait active pour tout le HTML
active à l’intérieur de la balise <style> pour du CSS
Hello and thank you to the notepad ++ dev!
I use this editor regularly for PHP, CSS, JS code.
Is it possible to configure notepad ++ to have 2 types of syntax highlighting within the same file?
A simple example: an HTML page with a tag <style type = “text / css”>
Syntax highlighting would be active for HTML
active inside the <style> tag for CSS -
I thought this is already the case for html, isn’t it?
What do you mean ? -
If one file has CSS and HTML …then the backlight will only work one) -
The html lexer is one of the few, if not the only one, lexers which uses multiple lexers
under the hood. It styles html, js, perl, vbs, python and I assumed it does CSS as well
but obviously this is not the case. At least with the current used scintilla version but
I don’t know if a newer scintilla version would have CSS integrated into html lexer.Sorry, but I don’t think that there is a way to make two builtin lexers working at the same time. What one could try is to use a technique like described here but to be honest I haven’t much experience in css to understand its basic layout meaning. If you want to discuss this further let me know - will be online gain in about 7-8 hours.