Export file colummsepator changed from tab tot multiple spaces
With a program I made a *.txt file. The columns were separated by one tab. I have a new server, now is a *.txt file is created where the columns are separated by multiple spaces.
I used the *. txt file as import file for another program. This isn’t working anymore because the tabs are missing.
My question is:
- is there any reason why a .txt file on the server now all of a sudden is separated by spaces. The program where I export file (. txt file) is not changed
- is there a method to remove all unnecessary spaces into one, and then to turn it into one tab
Ik wanted I can sent examples of the file before and after
Thanks in advance
Peter Leenen
The Netherlands -
do you mean that you edited the file on the new server with npp which then changed the
tab to spaces? If so, take a look at Settings->Preferences->Language,
there is a section Tab Settings. Maybe the replace by space has been checked.
Under Edit->Blank Operations, there is a Tab to space method. -
No the program I have (Unit4 Bussiness Suite) makes a export file to a *.txt file. NPP is not running on my server (only NotePad). Before the exportfile was sperated by single tabs now multiple spaces. I do not understand why it changed. Before my server was running on Windows Server 2008 R2 now it is running on OLP Windows Server Standard 2019.
From the sequence you have described, I am not sure why you think that asking Notepad++ experts will be able help. You seem to be indicating that this application that you’ve called “Unit4 Bussiness Suite” on a server that is used to generate its .txt with tabs, and now generates its .txt with spaces. If that’s the case, I would go ask in a “Unit4 Bussiness Suite” forum or helpdesk, or go change the configuration of that app.
If you are really trying to say that “Unit4 Bussiness Suite” generates a .txt with tabs on its server, but when you open it with Notepad++ on your local machine, the .txt has spaces, then you need to clarify that, and you need to explain the exact process:
how do you get the file from the “Unit4 Business Suite”'s server to your local machine?
- Are you opening on a mounted drive (\some\machine\path) or (z:\blah.txt)?
- Are you using a webserver to download the file?
- Are you using FileZilla or some other FTP/SFTP/SCP/RCP client to grab the file?
- Are you using a plugin in Notepad++ to open the file from the server (like NppFTP)?
How do you open it in Notepad++?
- Are you using NppFTP to open it directly?
- Do you use File > Open,
- Do you double-click on the file in a Windows Explorer?
Are there any scripts or plugins that get run (manually or automatically) in between transferring it and opening it in Notepad++? Or do you have a PythonScript that you run when it opens? Or do you have a specialty plugin to help with U4BS .txt files?
Also, I’m wondering if it’s just a display issue; if Notepad++'s Settings > Preferences > Language > Tab Settings: [Default] says “tab size: 1” or some other small value, maybe you’re just not noticing that it’s a tab. Try setting that number big, or try View > Show Symbol > Show Whitespace and Tab.
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your quick answer. The problem is what you say in the first sentence. Of course I called Unit4 and asked them if they change anything. They did not. The new server is installed so I was looking if the problem is on the new server software. Maybe something changed in the notepath files. On the server I did try to change language settings, but this did not solve the problem.
Tomorrow I wil look the procedure of the export file on the server.