Assign Language by Line
she recently posted at pythonscript github so I’m hoping that she might find her
way back home and of course, I’m always looking for python related stuff :-D -
Just in case you wondered what happend, well, just real life or better wife :-)
I guess I have something you can play with.
The save option, meaning remembering what was colored where and how, needs to be discussed.I see three option
- use an additional file with the same name as the current file but with a different unique extension, which contains colors and position
- use one file which contains the names of the files which were used and there colors and position
- not using any file at all, but a marker in the original file which indicates where a different languages starts and stops.
Concerning the script itself.
You have to install python script plugin and, for the time being, avoid updating to npp 7.7 or newer unless PythonScript gets updated to reflect the changes made in npp7.7
Once PS is installed you have to call it for every document, which by the way needs to be set to normal text, in which you want to see different languages colored once. Then select the text and use the language menu to chose the lexer of your choice. Done.Two remarks.
UDLs are currently supported by a hack. When using an UDL the script opens a new tab, pastes the text, sets the udl lexer, gets the colors and closes the tab, whereas if using a builtin lexer a hidden scintilla component is used.Only foreground colors are supported, meaning no font settings like bold or italic. That is because indicators do not support these.
Using indicators instead of styles has the advantage that switching
between documents is possible without loosing the styling information.The script, which I will post in the next post, itself contains TESTDATA.
If you want to use it, copy everything from line 291 to 360 and paste it into a new tab.Is it bug free? Most likely not.
In case your finding something weird or in case it doesn’t do what you want it to do, let me know. -
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Npp import editor, notepad, INDICATORSTYLE, INDICFLAG, LANGTYPE, NOTIFICATION import xml.etree.ElementTree as et import os import json from pprint import pformat try: TextStyler().register_document() except NameError: SC_INDICVALUEBIT = 0x1000000 INDICATOR_ID = 8 class SingletonTextStyler(type): ''' Ensures, more or less, that only one instance of the main class can be instantiated ''' _instance = None def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super(SingletonTextStyler, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instance class TextStyler(object): __metaclass__ = SingletonTextStyler def __init__(self): self.hidden_scintilla = notepad.createScintilla() editor1.indicSetStyle(INDICATOR_ID, INDICATORSTYLE.TEXTFORE) editor1.indicSetFlags(INDICATOR_ID, INDICFLAG.VALUEFORE) editor2.indicSetStyle(INDICATOR_ID, INDICATORSTYLE.TEXTFORE) editor2.indicSetFlags(INDICATOR_ID, INDICFLAG.VALUEFORE) self.npp_config_dir = notepad.getNppDir() self.styler_dict = dict() self.active_theme = et.parse(self.get_active_styler_xml()) # self.udls = self.create_udls_xml() self.lexer_keywords = self.get_langs_xml() self.list_of_document_ids = [] self.current_lexer = 'null' self.default_id = 0 self.memory_file = os.path.join(notepad.getPluginConfigDir(), 'TextStylerMemory.txt') self.remember_styles = None notepad.callback(self.on_langchanged, [NOTIFICATION.LANGCHANGED]) notepad.callback(self.on_fileclosed, [NOTIFICATION.FILECLOSED]) notepad.callback(self.on_filesaved, [NOTIFICATION.FILESAVED]) notepad.callback(self.on_shutdown, [NOTIFICATION.SHUTDOWN]) # there is an peformance issue when calling paint_it directly, # therefore we are hacking around langchanged notification def on_langchanged(self, args): ''' Gets called by npp when language change is deteced Resets to null lexer and calls main method ''' if (args['bufferID'] in self.list_of_document_ids): if notepad.getLangType() == LANGTYPE.TXT: if self.current_lexer != 'null': self.main(self.current_lexer) else: notepad.messageBox('Expected a lexer but null found', 'Error',0) else: self.current_lexer = editor.getLexerLanguage() if self.current_lexer == 'user': self.current_lexer = notepad.getLanguageName(notepad.getLangType()) notepad.setLangType(LANGTYPE.TXT) def on_shutdown(self, args): ''' Gets called by npp when shutting down TODO: store knwon files and their colors which then would be reused on fileopen/bufferactived callback ''' notepad.destroyScintilla(self.hidden_scintilla) def on_filesaved(self, args): ''' Gets called by npp when a buffer is saved TODO: check if doc is of interest if so, get current filename check if doc is empty if so delete from memory if not store current colors and their position ''' if (args['bufferID'] in self.list_of_document_ids): current_file = notepad.getCurrentFilename() from pprint import pformat values = [editor.indicatorValueAt(INDICATOR_ID,x) for x in range(editor.getTextLength())] prev_value = 0 fill_range = 1 sorted_values = [] for offset, value in enumerate(values): if value == 0: continue if prev_value == value: fill_range += 1 else: sorted_values.append((value, offset-fill_range, fill_range)) prev_value = value fill_range = 1 print(pformat(sorted_values)) def on_fileclosed(self, args): ''' Gets called by npp when a buffer gets closed Removes unneeded buffer ids from internal list ''' if (args['bufferID'] in self.list_of_document_ids): self.list_of_document_ids.remove(args['bufferID']) def get_active_styler_xml(self): ''' returns the xml path of the current theme ''' xml_file = os.path.join(self.npp_config_dir, 'config.xml') xml_doc = et.parse(xml_file) return xml_doc.find('GUIConfigs/GUIConfig[@name="stylerTheme"]').get('path') # def create_udls_xml(self): # ''' merge all udls from userDefineLangs into one big xml ''' # udls_dir = os.path.join(self.npp_config_dir, 'userDefineLangs') # udl_files = os.listdir(udls_dir) # root = et.Element('NotepadPlus') # for udl_file in udl_files: # xml_doc = et.parse(os.path.join(udls_dir, udl_file)) # user_lang = xml_doc.find('UserLang') # root.append(user_lang) # return root def get_lexer_styles(self, lexername): ''' Creates the styling dictionary by reading the styler xml ''' if lexername.startswith('udf - '): return # as long as hidden scintilla doesn't do the styling we are done here # tag = 'UserLang[@name="%s"]/Styles/WordsStyle' % lexername[6:] # lexer_styles = self.udls.findall(tag) # self.default_id = 0 # for id, result in enumerate(lexer_styles): # fgColor = result.attrib.get('fgColor', None) # if not fgColor: # notepad.messageBox('Received unexpected value\nid: {}\nfgColor: {}'.format(id, fgColor), 'Error',0) # return # red, green, blue = bytearray.fromhex(fgColor) # color = (blue<<16) + (green<<8) + red # self.styler_dict[int(id)] = color tag = 'LexerStyles/LexerType[@name="%s"]/WordsStyle' % lexername lexer_styles = self.active_theme.findall(tag) for result in lexer_styles: if result.attrib.get('name', None) == 'DEFAULT': id = result.attrib.get('styleID', None) self.default_id = int(id) else: id = result.attrib.get('styleID', None) fgColor = result.attrib.get('fgColor', None) if not fgColor: notepad.messageBox('Received unexpected value\nid: {}\nfgColor: {}'.format(id, fgColor), 'Error',0) return red, green, blue = bytearray.fromhex(fgColor) color = (blue<<16) + (green<<8) + red self.styler_dict[int(id)] = color def get_langs_xml(self): ''' returns a dictionary which contains all keywords for all defined builtin languages ''' xml_file = os.path.join(self.npp_config_dir, 'langs.xml') xml_doc = et.parse(xml_file) lexer_keywords = dict() for lang in xml_doc.findall('Languages/Language'): lexer_keywords[lang.attrib['name']] = lang.findall('Keywords') return lexer_keywords def paint_it(self, color, start, length): ''' Does the coloring by using an indicator ''' editor.setIndicatorCurrent(INDICATOR_ID) editor.setIndicatorValue(color | SC_INDICVALUEBIT) editor.indicatorFillRange(start, length) def main(self, lexer): ''' Gathers the needed information for the current selected lexer and sets these in the hidden scintilla. Calls hidden scintillas colourise method and retrieves the needed colors and their position. Finally sets it in the active document ''' text = editor.getSelText() text_length = len(text) if not text_length: notepad.messageBox('Nothing selected!', 'Error',0) return if not lexer: notepad.messageBox('lexer expected, received: {}'.format(lexer), 'Error',0) return offset = min(editor.getSelectionStart(), editor.getSelectionEnd()) # unfortunately udls behave different than builtin lexers # there for this hack until the secrets get revealed if lexer.startswith('udf - '): active_buffer = notepad.getCurrentBufferID() editor.setText(text) notepad.runMenuCommand('Language', lexer[6:]) styles = [(pos, editor.styleGetFore(editor.getStyleAt(pos))) for pos in range(text_length)] editor.undo() notepad.close() notepad.activateBufferID(active_buffer) for position, color in styles: self.paint_it(color[0] + (color[1] << 8) + (color[2] << 16), offset+position, 1) return # we are done here # else part - aka builtin lexer self.get_lexer_styles(lexer) keywords = self.lexer_keywords.get(lexer, None) self.hidden_scintilla.styleClearAll() self.hidden_scintilla.setLexerLanguage(lexer) if keywords: # not all lexers do have keywords, e.g. xml lexer for i, _keywords in enumerate(keywords): self.hidden_scintilla.setKeyWords(i, _keywords.text) self.hidden_scintilla.setText(text) self.hidden_scintilla.colourise(0, text_length) styles = [(pos, self.hidden_scintilla.getStyleAt(pos)) for pos in range(text_length)] color = self.styler_dict.get(self.default_id, None) if color is None: return self.paint_it(color, offset, text_length) # TODO: can default color different previous_style = [] sorted_styles = dict() for pos, style in styles: if previous_style: if previous_style[0] == style: previous_style[2] += 1 else: if previous_style[0] != 0: if previous_style[0] in sorted_styles: sorted_styles[previous_style[0]].append((previous_style[1],previous_style[2])) else: sorted_styles[previous_style[0]] = [(previous_style[1],previous_style[2])] previous_style = [style, pos, 1] else: previous_style = [style, pos, 1] for k, v in sorted_styles.items(): color = self.styler_dict.get(k, None) if not color: continue for _v in v: self.paint_it(color, offset+_v[0], _v[1]) def register_document(self): ''' store current buffer id in internal list ''' id = notepad.getCurrentBufferID() if id not in self.list_of_document_ids: self.list_of_document_ids.append(id) TextStyler().register_document() print('done') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TESTDATA TESTDATA = ''' Start with an perl example use strict; # comment use warnings; print "Hello, World!\n"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ here we have an cpp example #include <iostream> using namespace std; // line comment int main() { /* multi line comment */ cout << "Hello, World!"; return 0; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ followed by an rust example fn main() { // Print text to the console println!("Hello World!"); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ an xml example <tags> <tag id="0" value="text" /> </tags> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ an python example class test(object): def __init__(self): self.greet = 'Hello World!' # comment def do_greet(self): print(self.greet) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and finally udl markdown \1-2-3 *multiple italic*, **multi bold** and ***multi bold italic*** I have *a pen **I have an apple** uuh* Apple pen. I have **a pen *I have a pineapple* uuh** Pineapple pen! I have *a pen __I have an apple__ uuh* Apple pen. I have **a pen _I have a pineapple_ uuh** Pineapple pen! \* apple \* pen \* <!-- escape test \* t \* t \* t --> ```js var a = 1 * 1 ``` ****** <!-- hr --> ## Bullet point test - normal text * This should be normal text * mess up *some thing* (\* suppose \* it's \* normal) * This should be normal text ''' # --------------------------------------------------------------------------