Skip certain extensions in File Search
I have a project that has files I know will not have what I’m searching for and would like to skip those files while doing a search. All the files that I would like to skip all have a specific extension. How do I filter for that?
Unfortunately AFAIK it is not possible to exclude certain file types from Notepad++'s “Search in Files” feature. But you could use grepWin for that. It can be customized to open a search result in Notepad++. Since it is even possible to call Notepad++ with the line number it should jump to as a command line parameter, you will feel very comfortable with this solution.
grepWin’s homepage is >>> here <<< and it can be downloaded >>> from here <<<.
So there is one extension you want to skip; but how many different ones are there to include? If a small number, the obvious solution is to exclude the one you don’t want by including all those you do want.