[Regression] Current line highlight transparency not working
The current line highlighting feature is useful, but it becomes misleading if background color is also used in syntax highlighting. A compromise is to use semi-transparent highlighting, or assign an alpha value to the current line background color. To do this, I have found the following instruction in Notepad++ Wiki:
I have created a macro which uses the “wParam” parameter to set the alpha value:
<Macro name="Current line highlight 10%" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="72"> <Action type="0" message="2470" wParam="26" lParam="0" sParam="" /> </Macro>
Since Notepad++ 7.6.4, this macro doesn’t work.
Should I use different macro code? Is there another way to make the current line highlighting semi-transparent?
Why not just change the highlight color of the current line in “Style Configurator” -
@andrecool-68, in the style configurator I have specified a custom background color for quoted strings. Now, when the cursor is on a line containing quoted strings, the current line background overrides string background, and strings become harder to see. With the semi-transparency feature both background colors got combined and it looked fine.
You can create a topic with your question here:
https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues -
@andrecool-68, already there. And also a feature request.
@GoblinAlchem said:
already there. And also a feature request.
So I’m confused…if the inquiries and requests have already been made on the official Notepad++ issues list…since around May 6…why did you open this thread on the forum 6 days ago…?
@Alan-Kilborn said:
So I’m confused…if the inquiries and requests have already been made on the official Notepad++ issues list…since around May 6…why did you open this thread on the forum 6 days ago…?
Control shot (just in case)
@andrecool-68 said:
Control shot
At least it appears he is properly attired, with the helmet, for said “control shot”.