Cannot install any plugin (v7.7.1 64bit) on win10
Dear all,
I just come to a new company and installed my reliable Notepad++ (version 7.7.1 64bit). Now I want to install Compare and any plugin all fail without error.
I click top menu Plugins -> Plugins admin… -> search for plugin I need -> install -> warning prompt up regarding restart notepad++ -> press Yes -> win10 ask whether allow Notepad++ modify and I press Yes -> notepad++ restarted but NOTHING happen. None of plugin is installed.
P.S. My company have setup proxy but I am not sure it is related. Since I can browse notepad++ pages and download the plugin manually if I wish.
@legendgod said:
My company have setup proxy
I would certainly start on the road to a solution by entering your proxy info in
menu >Set Updater Proxy...