Cannot update NPP, not a valid GUP
I am running NPP 7.7.1 x64. When I try to update it, I get this error:
It’s not a valid GUP xmlEverything I can find on Google about this error talks about having to use a proxy server but there is no proxy server where I work. So how can I fix this error so I can update NPP?
Due to the release of Notepad++ v7.8.1, which contains a link to >>> this text <<< at the Notepad++ homepage, asking for support for the “Uyghur Human Rights Project”, the Notepad++ download server seems currently to be under a DDoS attack, presumably controled by individuals from China. Thus, checking for availability of an updated version of Notepad++ may fail as well as downloading it manually from the homepage.
You have to be patient for some days until normal operation of the Notepad++ server has been restored or you can try to manually download the current version using >>> this link <<<. As already said, the download may fail, at least it could take some time until it starts, so please be patient.
I am receiving the same error: “It’s not a valid GUP xml”
Let us know when the server error is resolved.
Mixed feelings re: involving politics with software.Murray