Where do I find the UDL I'm looking for?
Is there maybe a github repo for community created UDL files?
something like,
,would be a nice to have; as apposed to digging through forums for the most up to date UDL for Essoteric Language X…
Thank you, I guess I should have mentioned that I started with your first link as a great resource on writing my own UDL and maybe I’m missing something but I couldn’t find a repo for UDL files listed there.
As for the second link it looks like a good resource, but why did it die on the main website such that you have to go to web.archive to find it? And unfortunately in my case the archive you linked does not have the language file I’m looking for.
@rxsg-5176 said in Where do I find the UDL I'm looking for?:
why did it die on the main website such that you have to go to web.archive
Because the old NppWiki hadn’t been updated for years (because it had been locked down due to spam). Since the conversion to npp-user-manual.org was already in progress, when the Notepad++ website changed hosts recently, Don didn’t bother copying any of the old Wiki files to the new website; hence it was lost (which made it hard for those of us trying to copy information from the old wiki to the new documentation set; fortunately, the web.archive links worked).
And unfortunately in my case the archive you linked does not have the language file I’m looking for.
If it wasn’t there, there wasn’t any other central repository of User Defined Language files. And no one has stepped up yet to run one. I don’t know if we’d be able to convince Don to add another repo to the notepad-plus-plus github. It could theoretically go in the npp-user-manual.org source files, but since the github doesn’t immediately get published to the doc website, I don’t know how maintainable that would be. I might try asking Don about it, but I don’t know when or if I’ll get an answer.
@PeterJones I doubt you’d want to maintain it in more than one place, but if you made a folder to collect UDF files in the npp-usermanual repo couldn’t you just use the power of github to host/maintain the files… they’re basically code files to begin with. Someone would still need to merge community pull requests and such, but at least then I could look on github to see what’s available, who’s branched it and various versions there of.
I’ve made the request, for either Don to create the new repo, or for feedback from the usermanual admins on how to best incorporate it into the existing repo.
I had thought about it just being a folder near the top of the npp-usermanual repo, so that it won’t be part of the rendered documentation set, but still have a home… but I don’t know if that would interfere with the release process (I doubt it would affect things, but since I don’t know how Don takes the release from github to the doc-website backend, I’m cautious to experment).
@PeterJones sorry, I’d wandered off into the weeds a bit on scintilla, but thank you for taking the time to look into this for me.
No, those are ones distributed with Notepad++ itself. We don’t really want every submitted UDL to be automatically distributed with Notepad++.