View>Function List python functions showing up outside of tree
Hello, I’m on NPP 7.8.1 and writing Python code. I’m having a problem when using View>Function List. When adding functions to a class in files I’ve been working on over a period of days and weeks, the functions are showing up outside of the class tree instead of in the class. At first I thought it was indentation issues, but that wasn’t the case. How can I figure out what the problem is and fix this?
Thank you! -
Perhaps showing some examples of the abnormal behavior would be a great place to start?
Hi, hope the img below is what you mean. Every function between the Catalog class and main() should be showing up as a method in the Catalog class.
If you’re asking for code, here’s a snippet of where the functions suddenly show outside of the Class. Thanks for any ideas!
def convert_raw_title_to_standard(self, raw_title: str) -> str: tt = self.cleanup_raw_title(raw_title) tt = uutil.change_chars_to_space(tt, '-') tt = tt.title() return tt def make_links_from_soup(self, src_url: str, soup: BeautifulSoup) -> list: stories = [] story = {} if bool(soup.find_all('div', class_='ftr')): div_rows = soup.find_all('div', class_='ftr') else: return stories for row in div_rows: self.entries_count = self.entries_count + 1 if 'dir' in row.find('div').text.lower(): dir_type = 'dir' story_dir = row.a['href']+'/' story_dir = story_dir.replace(r'//', r'/') else: dir_type = 'text' story_dir = row.a['href'] story_dir = Path(self.src_url).joinpath(story_dir) title = self.convert_raw_title_to_standard(\ row.a['href']) story = CatEntry(**{ 'id': str(self.entries_count), 'title': title, 'dir_type': dir_type, 'dir_name': Path(row.a['href']), 'url': story_dir, # local or web }) stories.append(story) return stories ### KEEP def save_catalog_to_file(self, stories: list, file=WindowsPath): if not file.exists(): uutil.make_parent_dir(file) with open(file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as cat: for story in stories: cat.write('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}\n'.format( str(, story.title, story.dir_type, story.dir_name, story.url)) cat.close()
Wow, so I just tried deleting all the comments that were left and when I deleted
### Keep
and saved, it repositioned the methods correctly. So I’m not sure if that’s a bug or intentional. Can anyone explain? Thank you!