How to detect ESC keypressed ?
Do you know if and how I can be notified when ESC key is pressed ?
I tried
+ some other scintilla notification codes, but none of them is invoked when ESC is pressed. I couldn’t find anyNPPN_*
notification which looks useful for that too.Any suggestion ?
Thanks -
to quote from scintilla
Reports all keys pressed but not consumed by Scintilla. Used on GTK because of some problems with keyboard focus and is not sent by the Windows version.At the moment I only see the way to either register a low level keyboard hook or hooking npps message queue in general.
In the BetterMultiSelection plugin I’ve used SetWindowsHookEx() to hook the keyboard and catch the escape key (along with other keys) before they are sent to Notepad++.
Thanks you both for your help.
I followed your suggestion (low level keyboard hook) and I can now handle ESC key pressed.
Best Regards
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