Notepad x64 with Wine on Mac works but newer versions getting errors
Following the instructions here I was able to get Notepad working on my Mac running Catalina 10.15. However, the only version of Notepad I have been able to get to work was the one listed in these threads - version 7.0 x64 :
All other newer versions throw errors and I am hoping some here can help me get a newer version working.
I have tried several versions, all seem to throw the same set of errors.
1) DLL Signature verification failed: Unknown exception occurred, File not found 2) Library verification failed: Authenticode check failed: signing certificate or hash is not recognized 3) Win32Exception - an exception occurred. Notepadd++ cannot recover from and must shut down" 4) Exception On WM_CREATE: ScintillaEditView::init: SCINTILLA ERROR - cannot load the dynamic library
Some of the newer versions I tried that weren’t working did have the 'scilexer.dll` file in the install. I read elsewhere that this file was causing similar errors with locally compiled versions of Notepad - but those seemed to be on windows machines.
Any ideas?
And if Notepad x64 7.0 (npp.7.bin.x64) is the only version that will work, maybe someone can show me how to enable the Plugin Manager so I can load a few basic plugins - its not listed in the PLUGINS section.