creating your own "language" ...
i would like to implement my own language in N++ … it is similar to html (it has tags)
like:<var>ruser.pravice = [<decode.pass>[$ruser.pravice][$ruser.password]</decode.pass>]</var> <access>pageClanekDelete [] [<redirectTo><!server_url>?err/401</redirectTo>]</access> <if>#usid <> [] then [ <sql>execute [delete from tblClanek where usid = '<#usid>']</sql> <return>1</return> ]</if>
i cannot get N++ to highlight my new “commands”… ie <if> <return> <var> …
anyone got any ideas?i tried to “create your own language” but it only works with commands without <tags>
Using < and > as delimiter should do the job. Either to use it
as mechanism to color the text inside or with nesting enabled to color
the different keyword groups. -
thanks… tried it and it works half the way i want… but it is better then nothing.
thank you. -
without knowing what the second half should be it is hard to tell what can be done in addition.