Comment left align
Is there a setting , so that the comment is like
code // code
instead of
code // code
Sorry, auto-indent keeps comments at the same level of indentation as the code block the comment is a part of (because the auto-indentation is a feature coded at the editor level, whereas the marking of “comment” is coded at the lexer/syntax-highlighter level).
That said, alternatives include:
- running code through an external “pretty print” utility – @Michael-Vincent gives examples of how to do that
in an old post<edit>: in this old post (which was linked from the other; sorry.)</edit> - using one of the scripting plugins (like PythonScript) to set up a hook to watch what you type, and if you type the comment indicator on a line that has only whitespace before that indicator, the script could un-indent for you. Similar things have been done recently, and if you need help, we could dig up links to those previous discussions, and/or someone might be willing to
hack up a scriptengineer a solution for you, if it catches their fancy
- running code through an external “pretty print” utility – @Michael-Vincent gives examples of how to do that