Delimiter Settings (Ctrl + Double Click) to include more brackets
Hi all,
First post here! And quite noob with customizing notepad++. I’m open to guidance!
I’ve just found the very useful option to select inside parentheses holding Ctrl + Double Click. But it only accepts one starting character and one ending character.
These parenthesis can be modified for other characters in Settings -> Preferences -> Delimiter.
I think it would be useful if we could use multiple brackets i.e. [{()}] and even single and double quotes (if we like). It will be useful for many languages.
How can we add this functionality? I can’t seem to find anything related, if there is another post, please point me in the other direction. If not, how would we go and change this?
PS: I don’t know if this should be in this same thread but along with this double click feature, it would be useful to extend/shrink this selection with keyboard shortcuts like shown in this link (smart selection in VSCode)